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All I have to say is...

you're a wizard Harry.

Well on to the story!


-3 years later-

Natsu's PoV

"DADDY DON'T GO!!!" My two kids shouted and hung on to my legs.

"Kids don't worry I'll just be going on a mission." I assured them I'd be fine but they didn't listen and insisted that they should go to.

"No it's to dangerous you can stay with Aunt Mira and Uncle Laxus at the guild."

"NO!" I sighed and let them come with me.

"Pack your stuff guys."


This is going to be a looooong trip.


We were at the train station with the kids who were staring at everything in awe...even the bricks.

"Oooo, magical stones to protect the" Igneel said doing the glasses flare thing and in the family he was the smart one. He obviously got his blonde hair and the pretending to be smart thing from Lucy.

"GAH, I BET I COULD BREAK IT DOWN IN ONE HIT!!!" Nashi started to punch the wall. She got her pink hair and cocky attitude from me. But Igneel also had my black eyes and Nashi had her mothers brown eyes but they also had something Lucy and I both shared and that was our will and to fight for your nakama (friends).

I smiled and I pulled them away on to the train. When the train started to move the kids and I got motion sickness.

I guess some things never change Lucy...


"Kids step back!"

"But dad-" I interrupted them. "No buts just go!"

Igneel had tears in his eyes. "DAD NO I-" Igneel got interrupted by Nashi shrieking.

The monster was about to strike them until a figure stepped in the way catching his arm.


She turned around. "Hey Natsu!"

My eyes widened and I ran up to her and hugged her. "LUCY!!!"

"Neh, what's wrong Natsu?" She looked at me with concern.

"You were gone for 3 years." I started to cry.

"No it was only for 3-. Wait 3 years?"

I nodded. "That means everyday in the Dragon Realm was a year."

"Is this mommy?" Nashi asked.

"Yes it is mommy." I replied. Her eyes widened and hugged Lucy as she started to sob. Then Igneel did the same thing except he didn't cry but smile as Lucy hugged them back.

"What did you name them?"

"Nashi and Igneel." She smiled.

"Lets go back to the guild." I nodded and took her hand as we carried the kids back to the guild.



"Lucy? LUCY!!!" The guild hugged her and threw a party for her return.

She was sitting down at the bar with Mira talking. "Hey Mira can I have Lucy for a second."

"Of course lovebirds." She walked into the kitchen.

"Lucy how did you come back to life?" I wanted to know how if she was fake or if she's real.

"Well when I faded away I was saved by the dragons and went back to the Dragon Realm. They took care of me for 3 days and sent me back when I was fully healed and had all my magic energy back." She explained. "And I want to show you something, follow me." I followed her into the forest.

She pulled out a red key with flames surrounding it. "Open gate of the fire dragon, Igneel!" When she finished casting it Igneel appeared in human form with a smile on his face.

"Hey Natsu!"

"Dad!" I hugged him.

He patted my head. "I see you grown up to be a fine man and love the queen of the Dragon Realm huh." I blushed but nodded. Then he whispered. "Good catch."

"Thank you." Lucy said. I almost forgot she was a dragon slayer.

Lucy hugged me from behind. "Have fun."

"Make sure the kids don't hurt someone!" I yelled.

"Why would they do that?"

"You'll find out..."


Lucy's PoV

I saw Nashi staring at Gray and Juvia's kid, Adam. "Nashi just dance with him."

She turned around blushing. "W-what?"

"I can tell you like him just go dance with him." She stared at me in shock.

"O-okay." She got off her seat and started to talk with him and then they both started to dance.

"Mom can you help me with this math problem?" My son asked.

"Igneel this is a party not a classroom go dance!"

"Your not dancing."

"It's because I don't want to dance."

I sighed and helped him with his problem then got out to more dragon keys.

"Open gate of the sky and metal dragon, Grandine and Metallicana!"

Two dragons appeared in human forms. "Whatdya want."

"Go fine your children!" Grandine went running off to Wendy but Metallicana stayed.

He scoffed. "Why would I want to see that weakling."

"He has a wife."

"Ooooo really, how is she? Is she a good wife? Does she treat him badly?" He started to ask tons of questions.

"Metallicana just shut up she's an awesome wife and they already had kids."

"So that means I'm a grandfather?" I nodded. Then he started to celebrate. "Not that I care..."

"Just go talk to him." He nodded and went to Gajeel.

I smiled when I saw everyone happy and in a few years I know I'll be even happier since I'm home.


3rd person PoV

Natsu proposed to Lucy a week after the party and of course she said yes. The kids grew up to become strong wizards, and Lucy and Natsu lived to see their children grow until they passed away at 97. After they died Nashi continued the path of a wizard, but Igneel went down the path of science. Even though there two different people they visit guild and their parent's grave every year.

The End...


Last chapter!

;-; I really loved making this story and I want to thank everyone reading this crappy story. Thank you if you loved this story because I know I love making people happy. I love yo help people get rid of sadness because it soothes mine. Well I've been talking to much. Check out meh other story The Moon Village.

Peace out ✌✌✌✌

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