Lucy VS Shadow

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That was my reaction to Fairy Tail...I think all of us threw up rainbows

Well on to the story


Carles's PoV (A/N- If that's how you spell it?)

The guild in ruins on top of dead guild members, a girl with golden hair and wearing golden armor stained in blood is crying while a man with black hair and golden eyes has her hands wrapped with chains as he pulls her away. The golden haired girl pulls the chains and break free as a blinding light surrounds her and -and...

"Carla... Carla!" I shake my head.

"Are you ok?" Wendy ask and I nod.

"Of course im fine child." I respond.

"Ok it was that you were shaking in your sleep and 'muttering golden hair and chains'." Wendy says.

"Trust me im fine lets go to the guild." I order.

"Hai!" Wendy shouts as she gets ready.

Who was that girl and boy...was it Lucy and Shadow?


Lucy's PoV

My footsteps didn't make a sound even if I was wearing boots. Guards were walking down the hallways and chatting to each other loudly.

"Lord says that if there's a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes to put her in a cell immediately." The first guard with brown hair said.

"Yeah and if we find her first we get a special reward!" The second guard who was a girl with red fiery curls cheered.

"Then lets find her first."

"Yeah!" They started to run to where I was at.

My grip on Spada tightened as they got closer. "Hey yo-" The male guard got interrupted by the butt of the scythe hit him on his head.

"Ben!" The red head called.

"Im sorry." I apologize sincerely as I did the same thing I did to the male guard, and run off to Shadow's lair.


I tied the ropes around the three guards.

"Man you guys are hard to tie up." I comment as I wipe the dust of my hands. "Well lets continue." I ran down the hallways and occasionally knockout guards along the way until I made it to my dad's office.

"I knew you would made it Lucy." Shadow says as he turns around to face me.

"I'm here to challenge you to a duel." I ignore Shadow's compliment and point the edge of my blade at his neck.

"I thought you would surrender because I just unleashed the gods and dragons into war." He cackled evilly.

"Your thoughts are so sickening that I can taste throw up in my mouth." I remark as I smirk.

"You wouldn't say that to me when we were little." I stare at him coldly.

Anger engulfed my arms as we fall from the window. We fall from the tall building while we wrestle each other and luckily I wasn't the one getting squished. I jump off of Shadow at the last second and let Shadow hit the hard ground.

"Scales stay back." I tell Scales and he obeys as he slithers in the forest.

"You have to do better if your going to kill me." He says. I charge at him with Spada and attack him. Keep this in my rhythm and pace so it could be my advantage.

"Come on just surrender and everything will stop."

"NEVER!" I felt something trigger in me as if I was a match and was on fire. It felt strange but I new what it was...


I swung Spada speedily in differnet directions but Shadow dodged easily. I was to caught up in the moment. If I kept this up I'll drown in my own shadow, but I couldn't stop. Shadow finally slowed down as of he were tired and got out a black sword made of shadows and demon's blood. He blocked and I attacked but something was wrong...he was frowning and it wasn't out of annoyance but was sad.

Shadow was...was sad.

"What's wrong, is it because you know I'll win." I teased as I felt a smirk tug at my lips.

"Well I'm sad because I'll have to kill you." He had pity in his eyes while looking at me.

"Even tough I don't want to..." He whispered. He thought I couldn't hear him but I did.

My smirk was wiped off my face and was replaced with a soft smile when I heard my name.


I turned around and saw Natsu with all the guild members. He grinned at me and my heart fluttered. Well now I know he still has a little bit of light in his soul so I can do a spell that I learned on accident.


I was sitting down in Spada's office when I spotted a book that I never noticed before. I pulled it off the shelf and wiped the dust off the book and the cover said Purifying 101. I flipped open the book and landed on a page about purifying a demon's soul:

To purify a demon's soul there has to be a trace of emotion besides anger and frustration. In order to purify the demon you have to chant this spell while focusing your magic energy into the target's soul. The spell is simple and short so it's easy to remember:

Pure, tainted or dark,
May I purify your soul.
And if you don't agree,
You'll soul and body will burn.
But if you agree,
You'll go the right turn.

Be warned! You can only use the spell once and that's because you sacrifice yourself to purify their soul. And that means you'll die so I advise not to use the spell unless necessary.

I winter to read on further but I heard Spada coming so I put the book away and went to my room.

~end of flashback~

Why I was having that flashback I didn't know the guild was fighting his demons he unleashed and I was pinned to the ground.

"I'm sorry Natsu." I whisper.

"LUCY!!!" His body was on fire as he was desperately trying to reach me.

"I have to do this...

Pure, tainted or dark,
May I purify your soul.
And if you don't agree,
You'll soul and body will burn.
But if you agree,
You'll go the right turn!"

My hands were on Shadow's chest as he screamed out in pain as I smiled softly. His hair turned blond so that it matched his normal gold eyes and I could tell he was finally purified.

I saw Natsu lean over me. "LUCY HANG IN THERE WE'LL SAVE YOU!!! WENDY!!!"

"Natsu I'm sorry but I have to go."

He started to cry and I wiped off his tears and kissed him on his lips. We savored the kiss until I pulled back and smiled weakly.

"I always loved you Natsu Dragneel."

I said those words with my last breath and was banished in never-ending darkness.


Hey guys love that cliffhanger I think I did a good job. Well anyways check out my new Fairy Tail fanfic called The Moon Village and wish me luck I'm taking the STAAR test. (Yeah I live in Texas. Haters gonna hate. Jk!") If any of you guys need luck to I will give you some of mine.

Peace Out! ✌✌✌✌

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