Empty Promises

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I wish I could do that...Lol.

But sadly only Gray and Lion can do that.

Oh yeah and please check out this new Fairy Tail Fan-Fic that I made called The Moon Village!

Well on to the story!


I woke up to a snoring Spada. I remembered the events from last night and felt heat rising up to my cheeks. I touched my red skin...am I blushing? I got up from the chair and walked out of the guild only to sweatdrop.

Of course everyone was on the floor passed out.

I stand on the dirty bar counter. "WAKE THE HELL UP!"

Everyone wakes up saying how awesome the party was or why I had to wake them up.


"And what if we don't!" Someone in the crowd says.

I summon my Celestial Scythe. "You get punishment."

"Well then we will clean up our mess we are such slobs." They all started to clean up. I smiled at my accomplishment.

"HEY EVERYO- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!!!" Natsu exclaimed as he looked around at the guild members cleaning.

"Nothin'." I reply with a smirk planted on my face.

"Hey guys" Gray opens the doors in shock. "What the hell happened?"

"Nothin'." I repeat.

"Who wants to bet that Mira is going to come next?" I challenge and I know Gray and Natsu love challenges.

"What's the prize?" Gray ask.

"Whoever loses has to be the others servant for a day."

They look at each other for a second. "Deal and we say that Erza is going to come next."

We wait for a few minutes talking and joking. We even do arm wrestling challenges and of course I won.


We looked at the doors and found Mira at the door in shock. "What happened?"

"YES I WIN THE BET!!!" I cheer as I do my victory dance on the table. I bent down. "Now you two are my servants for the day." I do my victory dance again.

"Lucy what did you bet about?" I stop doing the Sprinkler and look at Mira.

"Who was going to be the person to come in the guild and I bet on you while Gray and Natsu bet on Erza."

"Did I hear someone call my name." We all looked at the door and Erza was glaring at us.

"Of course not..." Natsu and Gray lie while acting like the 'best friends'.

"Well then that's good. See you around."

Natsu and Gray sigh out of relief. "You two are cowards."

"What did you call me!" Gray and Natsu yell simutainiously.

I flick their foreheads. "Cow-ards."

"Im not a coward he is!" They both point at each other and start to get in a argument.



"Idiots." I mutter. For a few minutes I drank a smoothie Mira made me and talked to Levy about my book that she thought was amazing.

"Hi Lucy-san."

"Oh hi Wendy!" I smile.

"Im going to continue healing Spada-san." She bows.

"Child keep your head up or people are going to think your weak." Carla tells Wendy.

"S-sorry." Wendy squeaks as she goes to the infirmary. I walk over to Juvia who's stalking Gray...again.

"Hey Juvia!" I wave at her.

She jumps in surprise. "Hello Love-Rival."

"Your still with that." I sweatdrop.

She growls. "Don't touch Juvia's Gray-sama!"

"Im not even into him."

I walk away hearing Juvia mutter to herself. "Juvia dosn't believe Love-Rival. Love-Rival is going to steal Gray-sama. Keep your guard up Juvia don't let Love-Rival steal Gray-sama."



I ran up to the infirmary and see Spada coughing up blood.

"Spada!" I ran to him.

"Lu-Lucy I need to tell you something." He coughs up more blood.

"The way to get your po-powers back is by breaking the se-seal." He said weakly. My eyes widen as I let him continue.

"Remember the spell I taught you and"-cough-"continue to live your life to the fullest. Please always have a smile on your face." He touches my cheek as he breaths in his final breath. My vision became blurry as my tears started to fall.

"Wendy can you please step back?" She steps back as I get ready.

I put my hands on his chest as he started to be surrounded by black mist as I started to speak ancient words.

"DEATH SCYTHE!!!" I finished the spell and the black mist cleared and where Spada was a black scythe with skulls engraved on the blade. I requiped into my Death Scythe Armor which was a black dress with ruffles at the bottom, a black hood was connected to my dress that made me look like the Reaper, and white gloves gripped Spada tightly.

"This goes great with my Death Scythe Armor." I smile sadly.

"Lu-Lucy-san is that Spada-San?" She asked in horror. I nodded and I walked out to Master's office.

"Master I'm going to go, and remember that I promised you that I would live." He gave me a hug and I walked to Team Natsu and let down my hood.

"Ill see you soon."

They gave me a questioning look. "To where?"

"Im going to kill Shadow."

I was about to walk off until Natsu grabbed my wrist. "Don't go!"

"Sorry I have to."

"Well then promise me you won't die."

"I swear I won't die." I walk out of the guild pulling my hood up.

Man I make to much empty promises.


"Lucy are we almost there?" Scales asks.

"Actually were here already." I respond as we look over at The Heartfillia Estates.

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