Aphrodite is the Dark Lord?

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I saw this on the side of the road one day and I had to show this to you guys XD.

Well on to the story!


"Welcome back!" Mira greets us as we enter the guild.

"Hey Mira, can I get red wine please?"

"Why would you want that? I thought you never drink?" Mira ask.

"I don't,but I feel devilish today." I respond as I rub my hands together in a evil manner.

"If you feel dizzy don't come crying to me okay."

"I'll be fine." Mira goes in the kitchen and hands me red wine in a wine glass.

"Thank you." I say

"No problem just don't drink to much." Mira warned.

"Okay mother." I joke as she cleans glasses. I took a sip of the wine. It had a sweet taste to it...I think I like it. I took one sip after another when I hear the guild doors open. I look at the doors and see a hooded figure at the door staring at me.

"Long time no see Aphrodite." I call at the hooded figure.

"Don't call me that I told you to call me Dragon King." Shadow responds. His dark black hair rocked back and forth, his posture was well composed, he wore a all black robe and held his dark staff that started to glow a blood red light of anger, and his golden eyes could've pierced through metal.

"Well you might be the king of the Dragon Realm but you don't have dragon blood flowing in your veins in order to be king."

"Well your mother appointed me as king when she died." He snarled.

"Don't bring up my mother."

"Oh, did I push a button. I didn't mean to, but you know what I came here for." He lied when he said he didn't mean to.

"No I will not marry you Shadow." Everyone gasp when I said that.

"So you want the dragons to die with the gods in war."

"You will not put my people in danger." I said sternly

"There not your people because your not there ruler."

"I will not allow you to put everyone in danger so you can get your bidding." I stood up walking towards him.

"Remember if you marry me you can stop this from happening." Shadow reminded while caressing my chin.

"I will protect my people without marrying you, because I'll win against you." I snapped while pushing his hand away.

"You say that my dear,but remember I'm the Dark God and Dragon King...I always get what I want." And with that he disappeared in a dark cloud.

"Man has still annoying as ever." I take a sip of wine from my cup.

"Luce, who was that?" Natsu asked with a demanding voice. Man what's up with him?

"An old friend of mine."

"He seems more of a enemy than friend." Erza said.

"Well we can call him a frenemy for now." I take another large gulp and finished the glass.

"Well see ya' tomarrow." I waved to them and left the guild.

"Lucy your getting better."

"T-thanks." I say in between breaths.

"But you still have a long way to go."

I stare at Spada in the eyes with determination flickering in my eyes. "I know,but ill continue and finish my training!"

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