The Power Of Lucy Heartfilia

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I walked out of the guild and to my apartment. I asked the landlady to sell the apartment when someone rents it. I go back to my apartment while I hear the landlady's cries.

" Open,gate of the maiden, Virgo!"

"Punishment Time?" Virgo ask while golden sparkles appear around her.

"Uhhh no Virgo, but can you help me pack?" I sweatdrop.

"Yes Princess." Then Virgo trots of to my closet and starts packing. I went to my desk and start to write a letter to Fairy Tail. When I'm done I go help Virgo pack my things.

~Meanwhile at Fairy Tail~

Natsu's PoV

"Listen up brats, we lost someone dear to our hearts. You should all be ashamed at your selfs. It's your fault she left!" Master Makarov yelled while on the verge tears.

"Who left old man!" I asked.

" caused her the most pain!" Master muttered while sending me a death stare.

"Old man are you okay?" Master's eyes soften and says "I'm sorry, and I can't tell you who she is."

"Why?" Everyone ask.

"B-because she doesn't want you to find out."

"I'll tell Lucy the bad news." I hear Levy mutter while Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Wendy, Lisanna and the exceeds went.

~Gray's PoV~

We got to Lucy's apartment and knocked on her door, but there wasn't a answer.

I hope she's okay I thought

Since she didn't answer we barged in, but when we looked all we saw was furniture. Levy looked in the closet and said there wasn't any clothes.

I looked around and saw a letter on Lucy's desk. When I read them I was in the verge of tears.



~Natsu's PoV~

I heard the door slam open and saw Gray standing there shadows covering his eyes. The thing I noticed was that a tear fell down his face. He walked up to me and just stood there.

"Oi, Ice princess wha-" I got interrupted by a fist meeting my face.

"Why...why would you say that Natsu?" Gray growled. He was shaking madly like he's out of control.

"Do what?" I asked

"Why would you break Lucy's heart?!" Gray yelled. The guild was silent until we heard Levy call "Gray are you he-". Her eyes widened at what she was seeing. She walked up to me, and slapped me in the face.

"It's your fault Lu-chan left..." And Levy walked off to a table while Gajeel was trying to comfort her.

"You didn't answer me Flame brain. Why did you hurt her?!" Gray slammed his hands on the table.

"I didn't want to, but I wanted to spend time with Lisanna. It was my fault that she left...fuck!" I yell. I got up and ran out the guild calling the girl I hurt.


~Lucy's PoV~

I was walking through the crowded streets of Magnolia until I bump into a cloaked figure.

"Watch were your going." The person growled

"Sorry." I was walking off until the dude grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him.

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