Exceed Scythe?

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"Hurry up and change everyone!" Erza commands as she requips into pajamas.

"H-hai!" Natsu and Gray exclaim simultaneously.

"Hey aren't you going to change?" Happy ask.



"Because this is my nightwear." I respond. Happy gives me a strange look and flys on Natsu's head. I lay down on the floor and see there are blankets and pillows on the floor. As I pull the blankets around me I wait a bit and see everyone is asleep. I get up and tip toe my way outside of the hotel. I can smell I sweet scent in the forest...I swear I've smelled this scent before. As I follow the scent in the forest the trees are getting bigger as I get deeper in the forest. When I reach my destination I see a sparkling waterfall, and if you look close enough there was a cave behind it.

"Wow never thought you would be here." I heard my voice echo as I walked down the cave.

"What's wrong with me princess?" A feminine voice asked me. I saw her looking at me her blue eyes sparkled like the sea, her dirty blond hair that looked like sand flowed behind her back that touched the floor, and her ocean blue dress was sprawled on the floor like it was the ocean trying to get to shore.

"Don't call me princess." I growled.

"Aw don't be so mean I just need to tell you something." Even though she's eons of years old she still is as immature as a 5 year old.

"What is it?"

"He is going to try and destroy Earthland with the dragons and gods going to war!" She exclaimed

"Aqua don't worry I knew he was going to try something like that. After all we are both have ruler blood in our veins." I say with a no problem tone.

"Remember he is the Dragon King after killing your mother."

"Aqua I know, but I now who he truly is. He is a monster, because he is the Dark God." I respond.

"But then how did he rule?" Aqua ask her blue eyes full of curiosity.

"He was my mom's advisor, and she trusted him more than I. He took advantage of it and became ruler when my mom supposedly went ill, so he gave rulership to him. Even though he is the Dark God he is still quite cunning." I explain.

"But then why are the dragons still listening to him."

"I'm surprised that your the water dragon and still don't know why." She shakes her head and I continue. "Well dragons are very loyal to there master and there master the Dark God or Shadow."

"But why are the dragons not doing anything?" Aqua yelled. I grabbed my ears "Can you be quieter please."

"Oh sorry continue." She smiles.

"Well some dragons, well the main dragons like yourself, actually recognized his strange behavior immediately, but they couldn't do anything or they'd get punishment."

"Why is there punishment?" She ask.

"What you've been in the Dragon Realm longer than me but you still have no clue!" I nod my head sadly. "Well there is a new law that says if you defy the ruler you get painful punishment for a week, and guess who made that rule."

She nodded her head in disbelief "No he couldn't...Spada and I could get punished!"

"Then you should get back quickly."

"But what about Spada?" She said with tears in her eyes.

"He'll be fine...I just know it." I whispered sadly.

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