Chapter 2- 'probably make posters'

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Vic's POV

I stared at the ten digit number for quite a while. Why would he throw this into the crowd? Does he not know they'll pass his number along to everyone and probably make posters advertising it! Should I tell Mikey? He will surely tear me to shreds if I dont give it to him.

I leave the bracelet on the counter and decide I'll wait till morning. It's just a guy's number. Whatever...

Kellin's POV

I jump onto my bunk and kick off my shoes. This crowd was pretty loud tonight. Californians are crazy. I smile at the thought of them yelling my name.

Despite me wanting to snuggle with my pillow and fall into a peaceful sleep, all these bracelets are interrupting my snuggle.

I get up and trudge over to the nightstand I share with Justin. I'm taking off my bracelets with my eyes closed, because I am so tired, but I still count.

"Five. Seven. Three."

Yup. I'm beat.

I reach for my last bracelet, my favorite, and I only feel skin. I run my hand up and down my arm... nothing. Holy waffles, did I throw that one into the crowd?! No. Freakin. Way. That's where I keep my most recent phone number! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Vic's POV

I wake up the next day, still sorta tired from jumping around last night. I stretch and end up making the most loudest sexual noise ever, gosh. Wonder if my parents heard that...

I go downstairs and bump into a wide awake Mike.

"The bracelet. Where is it? Can I have it?"

I stare at him in confusion till I remember I have Kellin Quinn's bracelet sitting on my drawer counter with his phone number on the inside.

Can he have it? Ummm... no. I'm sure Kellin wouldn't want to have his number everywhere. But it's Mike. And his puppy dog eyes are getting to me. I sigh and move past him and into the kitchen. I open the top cabinet, reaching for my cereal when Mike closes it, nearly smushing my fingers.

"Can I have it?"

He asks again. I really dont want to say no, but I don't want to say yes, so I do what I always do, avoid it.

I move past him again and decide to pour milk into the bowl first instead. Opening the fridge, he closes it on my head.


I say slightly annoyed. I figured he won't stop bothering me till I answer.

"Can. I. Have. It?"

He's serious now. I've never seen him this serious since... I've never seen him this serious! His eyes are practically begging me to give him the bracelet. But, I won't.


I'm not sure he's angry or shocked. I never say no. He settles on anger.

"Why not?"

He straightens up, and since he's taller he knows it makes him more intimidating. I'm sure sure he won't argue over this, right?


I say, swallowing a lump in my throat. How do I explain to him he can't have it because I'm afraid he'll put his number on the internet. What happens if I do tell Mike? Should I? Nahh...

"You just can't."

His 'intimidating' aura drops as he stomps his foot on the kitchen tile floor like a five-year old. He even pouts a little.

"Why not?"

I roll my eyes and go back to making my cereal. Hopefully he'll forget about it.

"I'm never going to forget this."

Well, thanks for the heads up, universe.

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