Chapter 9- Corn Flakes

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It's just a filler, so... yeah


Vic's POV

I'm woken by a push of my shoulders and I put my hand up to block the light coming from the windows. Mike is staring at me wide eyed and I look down at my arms. Kellin is cuddled into my chest and I smile at the sight, but then look back at Mike. I untangle myself from Kellin and head towards the bathroom.

Mike mumbles something I didn't catch and I close the door behind me. I stare at myself in the mirror and think about Kellin in my arms and I start to smile. I only left him there because I didn't feel like being bombarded by Mike's questions.

I brush my teeth and go back into the room. Kellin is rubbing his eyes and I smile at him when his big, blue eyes meet mine. Mike ruins the moment by saying really loudly, "Soo..."

I make my way to my luggage and grab my outfit for the day. Instead of giving Kellin a strip show, I go back into the bathroom.

Walking out, Mike is pulling his shirt over his head while Kellin stares at his tattoo covered torso. I get slightly jealous watching Kellin drool. Mike smirks at me and I look to the ground. I leave the room and head towards the dining room in search of breakfast.

I fill my plastic bowl with cereal and milk. I also use the cool toaster here and toast a bagel. I sit near the tall, ceiling-to-floor windows leading to the patio. I hear Kellin's laugh before I see him. I turn to see Mike's arm draped over Kellin's shoulder while he's clutching his stomach laughing at whatever Mike said. My cheeks go a soft red as they sit at the small table with me.

"I'll be back." Kellin says as he goes to get breakfast. Mike looks at me and I look at my cereal. He clears his throat but I still look at my soggy corn flakes.

"Why did I wake up to you cuddling Kellin?" Mike says. I refuse to meet his eyes as I take another spoonful of cereal. His gaze never leaves me and I start to fidget. I mumble an answer with cereal in my mouth.

"What?" he sounds slightly angry. Although I'm the older brother, he's taller and heights are scary. I finally meet his eyes and I gulp down my cereal.

"I like to cuddle." with my lame excuse, I eat some more cereal. He sighs slightly and Kellin pulls up a chair to our table. He sends me a warm smile and I want to push back a piece of his hair covering his gorgeous face.

Kellin looks over at Mike and says, "Aren't you getting breakfast?" He reluctantly gets up from from the small, round table to get his morning meal. His eyes bore into mine before he goes and I try not to appear panicked.

Kellin reaches to touch my hand and small tingles run up my arm. I meet his blue eyes and feel myself drowning in them. Never have I thought I'd be holding Kellin Quinn's warm hand. A smile plays onto my lips as I brush my thumb across his knuckles. He grabs his bagel with his other hand and takes a bite. I peer over at Mike at the food station and see his attention is on buttering toast.

Before Mike can notice, I lean over and kiss Kellin's cheek. He turns a light pink and I quickly let go of his hand as Mike heads back. He looks at Kellin then at me as I eat some more corn flakes.

Yayy, updates. Boo, fillers. Sorta have writer's block. Ehh.

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