Chapter 5- 'he likes fries!!!'

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Kellin's POV

As the last screaming/crying girl leaves, Mike and I share a look and begin to laugh.

This whole night he's kept some kind of physical contact with me and strangely, I didn't really stop him. I'm pretty sure he has a few pieces of my hair somewhere...

We get on to the tour bus and Mike stares at everything in awe. I laugh at him and his attention is diverted back to me.

"What?" he asks. I only smirk and walk off to my bunk. He follows me and jumps onto the bottom bunk.

"When is our first sleepover?" he asks. "I call top bunk."

I throw one of my pillows at him and he easily catches it before it hits his face. He gently places it next to Jack's other pillows on his bunk and sends me a smile. I roll my eyes and lay down on my bed.

His head pops up and I nearly shriek. His eyebrows begin to wiggle and I smack his snapback off his head.

"Hey! My hair!" He pats down the hair that stuck up. I laugh and flip some more of his hair, he just pouts at me.

Jack barges in the middle of our hair war and says, "We're going guys. Comin'?"

I fumble getting down from the bunk as I mumble a 'yeah' in his direction. Mike puts his cap back on and follows Jack out of the room. As he passes me, he flips a piece of my hair across my face and runs out the room.

I laugh and chase after him and end up sending us both to the ground. I ruffle his hair as his hat came off. I suddenly notice the position we're in and I blush as I quickly get off of Mike.

He simply gets up and brushes random bits of pancake off his pants.

"Let's gooo..."

I say tyring to ignore the awkward tension building. I walk back down the tour bus steps and find the band's only car. I jump into the back seat and Mike follows behind. His arm goes across the head of my seat and his fingertips brush across my shoulder. I don't move his arm.

* * * * * *

Vic's POV

I arrive at the hotel Mike and I rented for two nights and flap onto the bed nearest to the door.

Kellin's blue eyes run through my mind again. I sigh as I put another Sleeping With Sirens song and blast it into the silent room. I end up sleeping with thoughts of Kellin kissing Mike.


I wake up and check the time. I slept for two hours?! I was pretty sure it was thirty minutes. Tricky thing napping is. Luckily i didn't wake up two years later. I unlock my phone and find about five messages from Mike.

Mike: Best day everrr

Mike: Kellin is such a qt

Mike: He likes fries! #keeper

Mike: I got a piece of his hairr :3

Mike: Does this count as a first date??

He sent those an hour ago. Should I go pick him up? Or should I let Kellin know where we are so he can sneak through the window at any moment?

Me: What diner are you at?

I tap my foor impatiently as I wait for his response. I end up going down to the dining room. I shuffle over to a veding maching and cram a wrinkly dollar in. My chips fall down into the slot and I reach for them.

"Hey, Vic!" Mike yells into my ear. I jump and my chips fall to the ground. He picks them up and begins to eat them.

"Want one?" He tips the bag towards Kellin, who happily reaches into the bag and pulls out a handful of chips. I take in Kellin's presence and realize I'm still on the floor.

I stand and quickly grab my chips. They left me a chip and crumbs. How will I ever satisfy my hunger now?!

"You each owe me fifty cents." I mumble at them. I still need food despite the gorgeous male specimen in front of me. I get another dollar and buy some more. I chew loudly just because.

We sit at one of the empty tables and Mike and Kellin sit closely together. I try not to show my jealousy as my crunching gets louder.

Kellin laughs and my inside melt. Goodness, my. I'll be leaving a trail of rainbows wherever I go anytime soon.

"How was your date?"

Did I blurt that out loud? Oh gosh. Umm...

"Great!" Mike responds. Kellin looks at his feet and doesn't object that it wasn't a date. I end up fumbling with my jacket zipper as Kellin and Mike flirt again. I sigh and get up to leave. I meet Kellin's eyes briefly and look away before I stay just to be able to stare at them. Damn it, Kellin.


Sorry it took me foreveerr to update, but I promise I'll update tomorrow. Just to make it up to you guys. And Chapter 6 is pretty interesting.. ;) Feed me!


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