Chapter 4- 'blue-eyed stranger'

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Just wanna thank you guys for reading. Stay awesome *puts on shades*
Kellin's POV

Mike and I have been talking a lot since he's gotten my number. I made him promise  to not give my number away. I was tired of having to get a new phone constantly.

He was currently telling me the story of how he found out of my existence. He's constantly making me laugh and my band mates always  assume I'm talking to some girl. Well, they're half right. Mike is gay, and he seems he would be the girl in the relationship.

I tell Mike a quick goodbye as I'm about to perform my last concert of the tour. I send a quick selfie to Mike and he puts a laughing emoji and hearts.

I put my phone in my pocket and make my way over to the rest of the band.
- - - - -
I smile at the screaming crowd and wave a goodbye. I look around the arena and realise this is what I love.

"I love you all. You guys are amazing."

I say into the mic before running off stage. I smile at my band members and head to my dressing room to get ready for the meet-and-greet.

I wipe the sweat off with a towel and throw it to the side. Somebody knocks at my door and tells me I have ten minutes.

I sit on a small couch inside the room and prop my feet up on the table across from it. I take put my phone and see message from Mike:

'You did great tonight!'

Me: 'you were here?'
Mike: 'yeah, and I'm going to the meet-and-greet, so get your ass out here'

I laugh at his message and put my phone back into my pocket. Did he travel from San Diego all the way to Northern California for me? Hope I get to meet him. I decide to take Mike's advice and get my ass off the couch and head towards the room where the event will be held. I can hear the crowd before I enter as the rest of my band had already arrived.

Several heads turn as I enter the room and a girl begins to cry at the sight of me.

I make my way over to her and smile as I wrap my arms around her, making her smile through her tears. I laugh in attempt to make her stop crying and she does. Countless others are sniffling and I turn and wave at the crowd.

I make my way over to my band.

"Ready to make all the crying fans smile?" Gabe asks.

I respond with a, "Hell yeah!"


Vic's POV

Mike fixes his hair in his phone screen for the millionth time tonight. I can't believe mom would let us come all the way to Northern Calitfornia.

The crowd gasps and begins to cry and scream, and that's how I know Kellin has entered the room. I turn to face where everyone is staring at and my eyes land on Kellin's arms around a crying fan. I smile knowing he's so considerate.

Mike has this big grin on his face which hasn't gone away this whole night. I can tell he's excited to meet the guy he's been texting.

I pull the sleeve of my black sweater over Kellin's bracelet around my wrist that is wearing Kellin's bracelet. I plan on giving it back to him, figuring it wasn't meant to be thrown into the crowd.

It takes us about an hour of waiting in line to be the next ones to meet the band. Mike has checked his reflection every five minutes and takes his phone out once more before the security pulls the girl away from a squirming Justin Hills.

We're signaled to head towards the band while Mike takes a breath and starts forward with a big smile. Kellin smiles at Mike and me and Mike nearly melts when their eyes meet.

"I'm Mike. Hi..."

I hear Mike say. Kellin's eyes widen slightly and his smile grows by the second. He gets up from his table and goes around to give Mike a hug. Mike giggles into Kellin's shoulder and Kellin gives another of his amazing laughs. I'm forced to stand to the side awkwardly staring at them.

The crowd is in awe as to why Kellin gives Mike a full hug and a bright smile and not them. the jealousy is practically shooting from their eyes.

Kellin notices my existence after about two miuntes later and I wave slightly at him, getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach, He smiles at me and heads in my direction. My heart begins to pick up, even though he barely said anything.

He stays still looking at me. Mike is gawking at him still as I flick my eyes between the two. I put on a small smile as I debate whether to give him his bracelet. Mike begins to blabber to Kellin about who-know-what as I bite my lip as I decide not to give Kellin his bracelet.

Kellin turns back to me and asks, "Do you wanna come with me and Mikey to the diner after we're through here?"

I think about going to dinner with Kellin, but then look over at Mike and his death glare he's sending me. I quickly shake my head no and his smile fell for half a second but quickly regains its glow.


He says. Mike looks relieved at my response. I smile and wave goodbye as I leave Mike behind with the blue-eyed stranger with the beautiful smile.


In honor of me going to a SWS and PTV concert ;-; I LOVE YOU, VIC!

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