Chapter 6- 'semi-naked brother'

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Vic's POV

I stare at the cieling of the hotel room. I try to make an image on the cracks, but only make fish and elephants.

I get up and go into the bathroom. I grab one of the hotel towel off the rack and decide to take a long, hot shower.

Fifteen minutes in, I hear the hotel door open. I shut off the water and step out. I dry off my hair and wrap the towel around my waist.

I wipe the fog off the mirror and brush my teeth. I step out into the room only to find Kellin sitting on my bed across from Mike. They both look up at me and I turn full-on-tomato.

Kellin Quinn just saw me half naked.

* * * * * *

Kellin POV

I avert my eyes before I begin to stare. I think I blushed. Oh my god, I don't blush!

Vic stumbles back into the bathroom and he nearly trips over the end of the towel.

"Mike!" he yells. Mike looks at me before getting up to attend to his semi-naked brother. I hear them argue for a while before Mike comes back out and grabs what I assume is clothes for Vic.

Mike opens the door and tosses the clothes into the bathroom before shutting the door again.

"Mike! You ass! You threw it in water!" Vic yells from the bathroom. Mike sends me a smirk and sits on his bed across from Vic's.

Vic comes out of the bathroom fully dresses but with a shirt that has a huge wet stain. Mike laughs as Vic sends him a glare.

Vic starts towards me and I panic as I remember his body. My face heats up and he looks at me strangely before beinding down to get his luggage at the foot of the bed I'm sitting on... Vic's bed... Oh...

"I'm gonna shower now. Kells, you can show yourself out right?" Mike comes over and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek. I send him a crooked smile as my response.

"Wait! I have to--" Vic begins to say before Mike shuts the bathroom door. The water begins to run and Vic lets out a sigh.

"Umm... do you mind if I change here?" he says with a slight pink in his tan skin. I shake my head and turn around so he can change.

I hear the ruffle of clothes changing and I turn back around, figuring he's done. I catch a glimpse of his torso before he sets his eyes on me. I quickly look away to say I wasn't drooling over a bit of skin.

I look back up at him and he smiles. He sits on the opposite end of the bed I'm in and the awkward tension begins.

I hear Mike begin to sing a song of mine and Vic and I both laugh.

"So... Kellin." Vic begins, trying to ease the tension surrounding us.

"Vic." I simply state, He perks up at me saying his name.

"Do you want your bracelet back?" he says getting up to retrieve an item from the nightstand next to me. My bracelet. He holds it out for me and I put my hand over his and push it away, "Keep it."

He smiles at my comment and looks down at our touching hands. I blush and pull my hand away. His face fell slightly but his smile remained.

"Okay." He says quietly. He sets the bracelet back onto the nightstand and sits a little closer to me.

Mike finishes off the last few lyrics of my song and turns the shower off. I turn to Vic ready to make a joke about Mike, but he mumbles something along the lines of, "Now or never, Vic."

The space between us lessens and our lips meet. My eyes widen but then flutter shut. He scoots closer to me and holds my hands. I smile and blush at our current moment.

The bathroom door opens and Vic jumps away from me and lands on a small couch in the opposite side of the room. I laugh at his sudden action and Mike comes out fully dressed with a questioning look. I blush as I remember what we were doing. I look up at Vic and his eyes mine.

I smile at him, which makes him blush a deeper red. He's so cute!


Blerp. What'd ya think? :3 Tomorrow's my birthdayyy. I have amazing friends and I want a churro. L8ter.


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