Chapter 7- Rocky Road Ice Cream

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Vic's POV

Oh my goodness gosh, cheese and crackers. Did I really... was that even me?! Holy dairy cow... Did I just kiss Kellin Quinn?! More importantly-- did he effin' kiss me back and smile!

I look back up at him and his eyes are still on me. I send him a weird smile and he smiles back. Mike sits in front of Kellin, blocking my view from him.

Mike begins to ramble about stuff while my thoughts drift between Kellin's lips to the future. What if it was only a one time thing? What if he only kissed me out of pity? Was I pity kissed?! No, no... can't be. Right? RIGHT? My mind begins to chuckle nervously and I snap back into reality before I'm sent to a mental institution for literally talking inside of my mind...

I lean a little over to see Kellin and his spectacular face and he's mid-smile. He glances at me and the emotion in his eyes change. I'm no good at deciphering emotions, but I can tell when they change.

I happily sigh as I stand from the small couch I landed on when I literally jumped away from Kellin and his lips... so soft, and pink, and velvity, I wonder what chapstick he uses... I shake my head trying to get my head out of the Kellin-shaped clouds.

I walk over to the medium-sized fridge inside the room and open it to te hollow emptiness of no food being contained inside. I feel myself pout as I turn to Mike and Kellin.

"Why is there no food? I am required to grow with the assistance of nutricious food! Specifically ice cream and pizza..." I say. Kellin laughs at my comment and I smile at him. Gosh, he's wonderful, His laugh is like unicorns farting out gummy bears and cupcakes.

"While you're out solving that problem, bring me back some ice cream, too." Mike says as he lays on his bed and turns on the T.V. I groan as I grab my jacket and head out the hotel room.

I'm not bringing him shit.

Kellin's POV

"I should head back. Band gonna think you kidnapped me and chopped me into little pieces and is currently selling me on Ebay." I say to Mike.

He laughs and stands to give me a hug. "I'll see you around?" Mike asks as I'm still held in his arms, I nod into his shoulder and I can literally feel his smile grow.

"Great! Till next time, Kells." Mike's hug loosens and he kisses my cheek again.

I smile at him and respond, "See ya, Mikey."

I rush down the hallway looking for the familiar wavy, brown hair. I turn the corner into the lobby and right on top of the sexican himself.

"Hey, Vic." I say smiling. I begin to play with his hair as he stares at me. the receptionist clears his throat making us realize what we're doing. I kiss his nose before placing my hands on the side of his head to get myself up.

Vic gets up flustered and blushing. I laugh at him which only makes him blush more.

"Why aren't you with Mike?" Vic asks. I look at him and shrug my shoulders. I just really wanted to see Vic again. Despite seeing him two minutes ago.

I still don't understand what changed during that moment our lips connected, but it made me feel alive and confident.

"Are you coming to the store with me?" He says as we approach his cat. I nod and say, "I'll help you choose the ice cream."

He unlocks his car and gets in the driver's seat as I sit in the passagers. Vic begins to back out of the parking space and heads off to the nearest ice cream selling store. His hand rests on the arm rest a few inches away from me and my hand itches to reach out, but I decide against it. Don't want to freak him out.

He drives into a WalMart and finds a good space. We get out the car and set off to our ice cream adventure.

Vic's POV

As we enter the WalMart, the coold air blows my hair back, making me appear fabulous. I look over to Kellin and it has the same effect, only far more fetching on him.

Fetching? He's not a dog, Vic. Gosh. Not gonna go chase a squirrel around the park. He's not Mike...

We walk over to the refriderated stuff and enter the ice cream section. I unconciously lick my lips as I look through all the flavors. I glance around at the people and find myself looking at a girl with blonde hair and a Sleeping With Sirens shirt. I smile and turn to Kellin.

"Go ask her what flavor ice cream we should get." He looks around to who I'm referring to and his eyes smile as he sees another one of his fans.

"Excuse me, miss?" Kellin says with a hint of humor in his voice. The girl turns to see who's speaking to her and her eyes grow wide. Kellin laughs as she drops her frozen pizza and runs over to hug Kellin. "What flavor ice cream should we get?" She laughs at his question, but mumbles into his chest, "Rocky Road."

He laughs and begins to seperate from the girl. She sightly looks hurt, but immediately takes her phone out and asks for a picture. She walks away squealing and I walk over to Kellin laughing.

"So, rocky road?" I ask with a smile. His smile grows as he says, "Rocky road."


Updating on time is over rated.. or I just don't have WiFi .-.


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