Chapter 8- Room 504

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Vic's POV

We get back into the car and Kellin drops the bag of ice cream into the back seats. I start heading back in the direction of the hotel but Kellin says, "Wait. I told Mike I was going back to my band."

Oh. How unfortunate. Well, what was I thinking would happen? We'd cuddle under the bed sheets while eating our ice cream? That would be pleasent though...

"Oh." I say. "Well..." I wasn't really sure what to do. "What if you say you forgot something?"

"Yeah, that's good." he says and slumps back into his seat. I turn on the radio and one of Kellin's songs come on. I smile and look over at him as he begins to laugh.

"Care to give me a private concert?" I say jokingly. We stop at a traffic light and I turn towards him. He looks at me and smiles. He moves forward, towards my face and just as I thought he was going to kiss me,  he begins to sing his own lyrics. I laugh and join in on his singing.

We end the song with us laughing instead of saying the lyrics.

"I can't believe I got Kellin to sing to me." I mutter in his direction. He laughs at my comment and says, "You got a great voice." I blush as I realized I sung along with one of my favorite singers. I can feel myself turn red as I face the road again. Kellin chuckles and reaches over the little space between our hands and interlaces his fingers with mine.

Kellin's POV

He blushes a deep red as I join our hands. My thumb brushes against his hand repeatedly. I see him begin to smile from the corner of my eyes.

We arrive at the hotel and Vic has to let go of my hand to get the key out of the ignition. Before he gets out of the car, he sends me a half-smile. I open the car door and grab the ice cream while getting out.

"I think I should wait a while before I go to your room." I say to him. He nods and grabs the ice cream from my hand, slightly touching mine. He looks up and me and kisses my cheek before saying, "Okay." I blush and smile at him, too flustered for words.

He turns and goes down the hallway. I smile and touch the place his lips were on my cheek.

I take out my phone and start a conversation with Mike.

Me: What's your room number?

I walk back to the lobby and sit on the slipper, red couch. The receptionist eyes me and probably remembers my little moment with Vic earlier. I smile in his direction and he looks back to his phone in hand. My own phone vibrates and I check the message.

Mike: 504. Why?

I stand up and start towards the direction I saw Vic leave. 460, 462, 464...

Me: I left something.

After a long walk down the hallway with weird, flowery wallpaper, I reach room 504. Mike open the door with a big smile.

"Welcome back, Kells. I knew you'd return." I smile back at him and look down at his pajamas. He's wearing a white t-shirt with rubbber duck boxers.

"Nice underwear." I say before I go inside his hotel room.

"Nice of you to notice." he responds cheekily. "What'd you forget?"

I look around the room and my eyes land on the bracelet I said Vic could keep.

"My bracelet. Vic returned it to me." I say starting towards the nightstsand. I pick up the bracelet and let it join my others. I sigh happily as my bracelet has returned home.

The hotel door reopens and Vic walks in. His eyes meet mine and I wave slightly at him. He holds up his hand which has two spoons.

"Umm... nice boxers, Mike." he says glancing down at Mike's attire.

"Thanks, bro." he responds. Vic walks over to the fridge and pulls out the ice cream.

"Are you staying, Kellin?" Vic asks, leaning against the fridge, spoonful of ice cream in hand. His brown eyes meet mine and I knew I couldn't say no.

I nod my head. "I guess." I pull out my phone to text the guys I'm staying over with Mike, who they seemed to take a liking to.

I sit on the edge of Vic's bed and my foot starts to shake. Mike pulls out a laptop from one of his luggage pockets and starts it up. He smiles in my direction as the starting up noise rings into the room. I look over at Vic and he sends a tight-lipped smile.

"Hey, mommm!" Mike says into the computer. He waves his hand wildly into the camera and smiles really big.

"Mijooo! How are you and Vic?" Where is he?" a lady says from the computer. Vic smiles and heads towards Mike. He flops down on Mike's bed beside him and says, "Holaaa..."

The woman chuckles on the other side. They start talking in Spanish with the occasional male voice from the computer butting in, their dad I'm assuming. I hear my name being said and I meet Mike's eyes as he waves me over to them. I shyly get from my spot on Vic's bed and lay to the other side of Mike.

"Ma, este es Kellin. Kellin this is mom.: I wave into the computer and stare at the woman who brought these two specimens beside me into the world. We converse a bit more with her and say goodnight after she begins to yawn.

Mike lets out a yawn but covers his mouth, refusing to show he's tired. He opens up Netflix on his laptop and asks what we wanted to see. After arguing for several minutes, we settled on "Divergent". Mike would occasionally make a comment about how hot Theo James was and sometimes I would agree with his statements. I would catch Vic glance at me when I would comment also, but I shrug it off.

I shaked Mike's shoulder to tell him to change the movie and he slightly snored in response. I looked at his face and his eyes were closed. Oh.

I look at Vic and he's slowly drifting off. His deep brown eyes look into mine and I smile. He yawns and gets up from his place beside Mike. He lays down on his bed and pulls the cover up to his shoulders. He sits back up and stares at me.

"Are you comin'?" he slides over and leaves me just enough space to fit into his bed. I leave about an inch of space between us, unsure of how close he would allow me to be.

He laughs softly and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. He kisses the side of my head and whispers, "Goodnight, Kellin."

I smile and blush slightly. "Goodnight, Vic."


So, yeah. Kellic...

Anyways, I need some help with coming up with a title to this book. I really am terrible at coming up with titles, as you can see... so, any suggestion would be helpful. Please? Thank you so much for reading and voting, makes my day, really.


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