Chapter 3- 'Do you want his number?'

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Kellin's POV

I spent all night searching where they put my number up on the internet. All I've seen were many of my previous numbers and numerous fakes. Just for fun, I called a few fakes.

So they haven't realized my number's on it? Good. Hope it stays that way.

I keep the Google tab of 'Kellin Quinn's phone number' up. I jump off my bunk and join my band for breakfast in our makeshift table.

I walk in and they're all stuffing their faces with pancakes Some of the syrup drools out of Justin's mouth. I laugh as I throw a napkin at him.

We finish our breakfast after throwing some syruped pancakes at each other. I'm all sticky and I'm pretty sure I have a few pancake bits in my hair.

I jump into the shower before anyone else with all my clothes on. My black skinny jeans get even tighter and my shirt sticks to my body. I decide to take them off and take a proper shower instead.

My phone vibrates from the bathroom countertop, indicating I have a message. I figure it's one of the guys telling me to hurry in the shower, so I take extra long and ignore the message.

After I've finally gotten out of the shower, I hear lots if banging on the door and I laugh in response.

I wrap the towel around my waist and hang my wet clothes over my shoulder. I grab my  phone with the blinking light of the unread message and hold it in my hand.

I walk out the bathroom with a smirk as I get a few pushes and dodged a few pancake bits. I make my way to the bunk and grab a random outfit. I blow dry my hair and slip on some socks and walk around the bus. I'm almost hit by another pancake before I run back to my bunk. I grab my phone and decide to open the blinking dot.

'Hey. Is this Kellin Quinn?'

Unknown Number. Bracelet. Shit.

Vic's POV

It's been over an hour! Aren't people always on their phone nowadays? Maybe he doesn't want to respond. What if it's not even Kellin? I pace back and forth in my bedroom.

instead of worrying about the number I go downstairs again. I hesitate at the tsairs to bring my phone with me as I repeatedly go up and down a step. I throw my hands up in frustration and leave my phone on my bed.

Why am I so worked up about this anyways? It's just Kellin Quinn. gorgeous, blue-eyed Kellin Quinn...

I run back upstairs and grab my phone into my hand again. I go onto Google and search him up. I download about a thousand pictures and several songs. Throughtout this whole time I've been smiling at my phone.

I listen to his voice blaring through my phone's speaker. It's heavenly,

'the way that we are

is the reason I stay

As long as you're here with me

I know I'll be okay'

My phone suddenly blares a notification sound. I figure it's my phone company telling me to pay my phone. I scoff at my phone that interrupted Kellin's voice.

I open up and look at the unknown number. I click onto the message with no emotion on my face.

'erm. yeah.'

I look up at our conversation, having no clue what this stranger is replying to. Why did I even text this person? Do I know them?

Me: 'Hey. Is this Kellin Quinn?'

Unknown Number: 'erm. yeah.'

I stare at my phone and glance at the bracelet sitting on my counter. I look between the two before my face starts to turn into a smile that grows each second.

Another message appears and I open it eagerly.

"Vic, mom says to come down for dinner'

Did Kellin just tell me to come down for dinner? I look up at the contact name and realize it's Mike. i sign and sit on my bed. I spend an enormous amount of time thinking of a reply for my newly found celebrity.

I get another message from the unknown number and my smile returns.

'How did u get my number?'

At least I know how to reply to this.

'Umm went to your concert last night and u threw a bracelet into the crowd. Idk if u know this but it had ur number.'

I hope he remembers. What if he insists that I block him? I obviously won't.

He's taken quite a while to respond and I figure I should go downstairs.

"Vic!" I hear my mother yell up the stairs. I jog down the stairs and walk into the room with our dining table.

I quickly finish my food to head back upstairs since no phones are allowed during dinner. I say a quick thanks to my mother and run two steps at a time back upstairs.

I run into my room to find Mike sitting on my bed looking through my phone. I snatch the phone away and realize he's been talking to Kellin.

"When the helll were you going to tell me you had Kellin fucking Quinn's phone number?!"

I couldn't tell if he was excited or angry. I'm looking through their conversations on my phone when Mike snatches it away.

"Answer me." He says. Yep, definitely mad. He shoves my phone into his back pocket and glares at me.

I sigh and mumble, "I wasn't."

He lets out a breath of air and sits back onto my bed.

"Umm, my phone.' I say, trying to ensure he knows I'm annoyed at him.

"Oh, right."

Kellin seems to like Mike according to their conversation where Mike tells him he's his biggest fan and how well he did at the concert last night.

"Do you want his number?" I ask as I sit across from him on a chair at a small desk in my room.

"Is that even a question? Bleep yes!" He yells. I give him the number and he leaves my room. I leave MIke and Kellin's conversations as it is and watch TV until I fall asleep.

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