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We get in the truck and she hands me the flowers

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We get in the truck and she hands me the flowers. I don't need to tell her where to go because she already knows.

I lift the flowers to my nose and smell them and they smell so good.

"They smell good don't they?" Violet asked.

"Yeah they do and this is very nice of you to buy my sister flowers V.," I said.

"It's no problem I had planned to get my grandma some roses anyway and I had been meaning to do it and when we talked about Julia it pushed me to do it this morning." She said.

We pull up at the cemetery and she drives around until she finds her grandmother's grave. She's really quiet this morning but I hope she's not mad at me.

She gets out and starts walking up to a grave. So I jump out with the roses and follow her.

I watch as she leans down and dusts off the grave and speaks to her grandma. "Coop can I have the red roses, please? They were her favorite I was told." She said.

I hand them over and watch as she puts them in the vase and straightens them out. "I love you Grandma Alice I'll be back soon."

As we stand up and head toward the truck a man hollers out in our direction and waves. "Hey, Violet!"

She turns around and smiles. "Hey, grandpa!"

I watch as the two embraces. "What are you doing here?" He said.

"We came to decorate graves. Oh grandpa this is my partner Cooper Holgate. Coop this is my grandpa Davis Reece." She said.

"It's nice to meet you, sir," I said.

"Likewise young man. Well thank you for decorating I'm sure Alice would have loved them." Davis said.

"We have more flowers to deliver but it was good to see you, grandpa." She said.

"Ok, you be safe out there Violet." He smiled and walked toward the grave.

We get back in the truck and she sits for a second and watches her grandpa.

"Does he come here often?" I ask.

"Once a week I'm pretty sure and he always brings roses for her. He married Diane but he can't move on." She said.

"In a way V that is romantic," I said.

"Yeah it is and sad. Now, where is Julia at?" She asked pulling out.

We rounded a curve and I pointed up on a hill. "She's up there," I said.

"Ok let's go then." She said cutting the truck off and meets me on the other side.

We walk up the hill together and I get her by the elbow to help her. "It's a nice view up here." She said.

"Yeah, it really is. I used to come up here and sit a lot to clear my head and talk to Julia. But she never talked back." I laugh.

"I'd say she didn't." She said.

We reach her grave and I squat down and wipe the grave off and smile at the teddy bear holding a rose engraved under her name.

"She loved teddy bears so every time I would see her I would take her one," I said.

"That's beautiful Coop." She said squeezing my shoulder.

I finish wiping her grave off and watch as V puts the yellow roses in the vase and fixes them. "Hi, Julia I'm Violet and your brother's partner. I didn't know about the teddy bear thing but I'll bring you one next time."  She said.

She looks at me and smiles and it's all I can do to not tear up. On instinct, I reach for her and she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight.

"I'm sorry Coop." She said as her breath grazed my neck.

I squeeze her hips tighter and pulled her closer to my body and put my face in her neck.

Violet makes me feel things I've never felt before.

She leans back and looks at me. "Coop are you ok?" She said rubbing her fingers down the side of my face.

"I am when I'm with you V.," I said pulling her close to me again. My face inches from hers and I stare into her eyes and get lost. I lean in to kiss her but she turns her face and hugs me tight instead.

When we let go of each other I tell Julia bye and we walk back down the hill together and get in the truck.

"I guess we should get back we need sleep before the shift tonight." She said.

"Yeah guess we do," I said looking out the window. I can't help but think did I do something to her? She's standoffish and when I tried to kiss her she turned her head. I have to apologize before I leave.

We walk inside and she goes to the sink and looks out the window taking a drink of water.

"I guess I should get going but umm V are you ok? I'm sorry if I did something." I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"It's not you Coop it's me but I'm fine. Thank you for apologizing for something you don't even know what you may have done." She laughs.

"I don't want to leave you like this V. I can't leave you upset and if it's something I said or done," I said leaning against the counter.

"It's silly Coop really." She said turning to look at me.

"Nothing is silly when it comes to you V.," I said placing my hands on her wrists pulling her into me.

"I just... Uggh I'm stupid. Last night after we went to bed I cried myself to sleep because I feel like you didn't go further with me because I'm too inexperienced and I don't know how to do this." She sniffed.

I lean down and kissed the tears from her eyes. "You make me feel things I didn't know were possible. I want to kiss you and do more V." I said.

She pulled my face down to hers and kissed me and smiled. Just then a knock on her door.

She walks over opens the door to her dad. "Hey, munchkin I come to install your security system with Larry," Levi said.

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