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What in the actual fuck is wrong with me? I'm sitting here in the bed of my parters house sporting a boner

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What in the actual fuck is wrong with me? I'm sitting here in the bed of my parters house sporting a boner.

I sink down into the bed and sigh. God her kiss was amazing and her lips were as soft as her hair.

Is it now going to be weird tomorrow? I know she felt you growing too geez. Was I just talking to my dick?

I really need some sleep now. I fluff up the pillow and turn over and fall to sleep.

The next morning she knocks on my door. Hey, Coop you ready for our run?" She said through the door.

"Umm no I was asleep but I can be ready in a few minutes," I said.

"Ok, I'll go on downstairs and make some coffee." She said.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and wet my hair and then looked down at the clothes I slept in. These are good enough to run in.

I grab my phone and head downstairs where I find Violet standing at the counter sipping her coffee.

"Here I made you a cup too." She said.

I could barely swallow when I saw her outfit. It was another running outfit with those skintight leggings in aqua color. "Thanks." I choke out.

I take a sip of my coffee and I don't know if I should say something or wait and let her.

I was about to say something when she sits her coffee in the sink and picked up her phone and put it in her pocket.

Idk how she has room for anything in those. "Thanks for the coffee and umm about last night," I said.

"Coop it's fine. We got caught up in the moment. We are human and your muscles did something to me but I don't want it to be awkward." She said.

"My muscles huh? Well then." I grin at her.

"Ready?" She smiled.

"If you are." I smiled back and follow her outside to those hundred of steps.

Once down on the beach we jog beside each other and I just have to say something.

"Hey I'm really sorry V.," I said.

She stops running and looks at me. "Coop I like you and I don't want anything to come between us or mess up the relationship we already have so please just forgot about it ok?"

"I just don't want you mad at me and I can't just forget it," I said.

"Do you want to explore whatever that was and maybe mess up our friendship and partnership and then we both will be miserable trying to work together?" She said.

"Explore hmmm maybe but I don't want to mess up anything," I said as we took off running again.

We get to cookie grounds and take a seat outside. "Want a blue slushy Coop?" She asked.

"No, I will get something different. My turn to buy. You want a Cherry one?" I ask.

"Yes please, and whatever cookies I like them all." She smiled.

I walk in and see her Aunt Remi right away. I smile when I get to the counter.

"Is my Violet with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, she's sitting outside so I told her I would come get our slushies and cookies." I smile.

"I'll fix you up sweetie you go on back outside. But what flavor slushy do you want?" She asked.

"Grape please," I said handing her money.

"No, keep your money! It's on me go out back out there.

"Thank you, Remi," I said walking back outside to find V giggling with someone.  I walk over to where she is and realize it's Hunter.

"Hey man! Small world." He said.

"That it is! Hey Hunter how's it going?" I ask sitting back down.

"It's going! Well, I gotta get in there. Cookies won't make themselves. Later guys." He said.

"Where are my cookies Coop?" She asked.

"Your aunt said she would bring them out for me to come sit down." I shrugged.

No sooner than I said that Remi came out with our drinks and cookies with a container of more cookies.

"Hey, sweet pea! Here are some extras like always. Ohh tonight we are going over to my parents for dinner if you want to join." Remi said.

"Thanks, Aunt Remi I'll think about it, and thanks for the cookies." She said.

"Yeah, thanks Remi." I smiled.

"No problem! Enjoy you guys!" She said walking back inside.

"You didn't seem like you wanted to go eat at her parents," I said.

"Nah I don't think I want to go. Their house is small and there are way too many of us." She laughs.

"Admit it you just want to hang out with me." I laugh.

"Maybe." She grins and stuffs the rest of the cookie in her mouth. "Plus I had already laid chicken down to cook tonight and so I need to do that." She said.

"Chicken? What do you plan on making?" I ask.

"Chicken fajitas. Are you staying to eat?" She asks me.

"If you want me to. I don't have any plans." I said standing up throwing our trash away.

"Ready to run back up the beach?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Now I need a nap." I laugh.

She laughs and takes off up the beach with me trailing behind her but it's such a nice view.

We finally make it up those steps and into the house. I'm hot and sweaty and we go our separate ways and take showers and then she puts my clothes in the wash.

She walks into the living room in a t-shirt and shorts and sits down beside me. "Coop I think I got stung while we were running."

"What? You didn't feel it? Where is it at?" I ask.

"Between my boo bees." She laughs.

"I know I sound like a pervert but let me see," I said.

"What are you going to do kiss it and make it better Coop?"

"If you want me to V." I grin at her.

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