Happy New Year

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Happy New Year!

Hope everyone has been doing well since the last time I've updated. 2020 was just a year filled with school taking a toll on my mental health. The number of mental breakdowns I had over my assignments is uncanny but I somehow survived through it.

I know I said I wanted to finish this story by the end of 2020 but with everything that was going on, I had slipped away into a long hiatus from writing. I missed the story nonetheless but I'm still struggling on what to write next.

The chapters I had planned were scrapped, and I didn't get much feedback in the comments on future chapters.

I wanted to do sometime of filler chapters like the filler episodes in Naruto, but also focusing more on Tsuki and her relationship with the other Rookie Nine + Team Guy.

Anyways, I planned to updated during my two month long winter break from college but alas that didn't happen, as I was focusing more on my mental health and now us students have to go back to school pretty soon. I have about two more weeks of relaxation before the spring semester starts, and then will I try to update to the best of my abilities and try to quickly finish this sorry. It's been a long few years since I first started this and it's getting ridiculous but thank you to all those who stayed around and gave me feedback! I read almost every comment so it helps a lot.

Also! Sorry if the story becomes a bit weird towards the end. The plot has left my head a bit, along with my original characters. So when the sequel or whatever I end up doing comes out, I'll be refining some details and characters just to clear up any confusion.

Once again, happy new year and I hope 2021 brings happier memories and happier times! Good Health as well! And I shall see you guys soon!

~Much Love

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