Chapter 2

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Readers POV-

I stormed down the stairs and busted through the door, ignoring the men catcalling me back inside. Tears threatening to spill but I held them back. I walked to Two-Bits house and got in his car without even asking. I hotwired it and drove out of the driveway. I didnt feel bad for stealing. I didnt feel sad for myself. I didnt feel anything at this point excpet for hatred.

I drove to the nearest store and went inside. Still furious I wanted something to ease my nerves. I walked in and bought a six pack of beer. I had gotten a few packs of cigarettes also. I didnt normally drink or smoke but I felt like I was entitled to now.

I practically ran out with all the stuff in my hands. I had just spent all the money that I had. I got back in the car and tried to start the engine. I heard a few noices before the night went quite. The car was out of gas and I was out of cash. I got out and kicked the side of the car. I didnt feel like walking but I didnt have a choice. I took my stuff and started down the street. I checked my back pocket for my switch and to my luck it was still there. Just in case I'd have use it tonight.

I wouldnt usually carry one because I was a Soc girl, but Dally convinced me start 'being safe'. Talk about an act. I didnt think I'd ever use it untill I saw this Soc couple walking down the sidewalk about to cross me. They were doing nothing wrong, but seeing them happy enraged me. They reminded me of Dallas and I. I got angry, I threw down my stuff. I flipped out my switch and held it close to the guys throat. I knew nothing of their lives but my mind was hazy. I couldnt control my words. "You need to leave this bastard!" I yelled at the girl. "He is a horrible human being and he deserves to die." I continued. Both of them looked horrified and then the guy recognized me. "(Y/n)?" He asked softly. I was still in my own world so I didnt care much for him. I didnt answer. I pressed the knife up against his neck harder and he started to panic. "(Y/n), please. I dont know why you're doing this but can we at least talk?" He practicality begged me.

I took the blade away from his skin but my expression didnt soften. I looked hard, and mean. I looked cold. Ready to fight anyone anytime. I looked... I looked liked Dallas Winston.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing?!" He asked me. He started to look fimilar. He was an old friend. His name was Michael. I'd even introduced him to the gang before. I didnt know he had a girlfriend.

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in to answer him. "Im running away thats what!" I replied. "Running away from what exactly?" He asked.

"Not what... Who." I corrected. "And the name you'd be lookin for would be Dallas fucking Winston." I continued.

His eyes grew wide and he knew what happened. He always warned me that Dally would do something like this but I didnt listen. I didnt want him to start with all the 'im so sorry' or 'I told ya so' shit so I pushed pass them and kept walking. I completely ignored all my stuff that was now abandoned.

Michaels POV-

(Y/n) had just about jumped me and my girl. She would never do something like that unless it was serious. I knew who her closest friends were so I desided that they would be the best to help. I told my girlfriend, Cindy, to go home and that I was sorry. But I needed to help (y/n) right now. I ran as fast as I could to Darrys house and burst through the door. Steve, Darry, Ponyboy, Soda, and Johnny all stared at me is shock because they had never see my without (y/n).

Darry stood up. "Michael... Whats wrong? Where's (y/n)?!" He yelled. "Im not sure. But her and Dally got into a fight and she almost jumped me and one of my friends!" I said panicked.

Without another word everyone ran out of the house. Everyone got into Darry's truck, including me, and Darry started driving to where I last I saw (y/n). We got to the part of the street that was a little past the gas station and we saw a six pack of beer and a few packs of cigarettes lying on the side of the road. "This is it." I called out. "This is where I last seen her. She went this way." I pointed ahead. A few minutes later we saw her walking in the grass on the side of the road. It was dark now and since Darry had his headlights on, she immediately looked back. Steve was in the back of the truck and yelled to her. "(Y/n), WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU GOING?" She didnt answer but instead she took off running towards the woods.

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