Chapter 7

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Dallys POV-

I couldnt believe what I had just heard. Sodapop Curtis had a crush on MY 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑.
Or... 𝐄𝐱. It was going to take a while to get used to saying that.

Even still, this was 𝙽𝙾𝚃 ok. Well... if I couldnt have her... then 𝘯𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 could!

I had made up my mind right then. I was going to teach Soda a lesson he would 🅝︎🅔︎🅥︎🅔︎🅡︎ forget!!!

~Time Skip~

I banged on the door to the Curtis house. "Coming!" I heard Ponyboy yell. A few seconds later he opened the door. "Oh hi Dal-" was all he managed to say before I pushed past him and stormed into the house.

I may have "pushed past him" a bit harder than I had intended because he stumbled to the ground.

Darry jumped up from recliner. "What the hell are you doing!?" He yelled at me. I wasnt in the mood to aruge with Darry at the moment so I ignored him. "Wheres Soda?" I growled. "Whats it to you?!" Steve yelled as he walked around the corner.

"Dont fucking test me Randle." I spat. He just gave me a sour look.

Soda then walked out of the kitchen "whats all this ruckus?" He asked with a smile on his face... As usual. His stupid, geeky smile. It was sickening.

"YOU!" I yelled and pushed my way to him. "Woah Dally, hold up for just a minute." He laughed nervously and backed up a bit.

"So you think you can just go fuck with anyones girlfriend huh?" I yelled without thinking.

"Dallas, I dont know what you're talking about." He tried to play it off as a joke so he continued to laugh, nervously.

"Wipe that fucking smile of your face! You know damn well what Im talking about! (Y/n)!? Ring a bell?!" I continued.

Darry suddenly cut in, "I will not tolerate that language in my house!"

"Oh please, you cuss all the goddamn time!" I yelled in responce. But it wasnt true. Darry hardly ever used words like that.

Darry walked up to me and grabbed the collar of my leather jacket. "Get out." He muttered.

Even though I was still so pissed, Darry could scare anyone... And I mean anyone. I glared at Soda and walked through the door, making sure to slam it on my way out.

A few moments later, something unexpected happened. Sodapop walked right out the door, following me. Damn, and he had the nerve. He was safer inside but no, he just had to come out here and cause trouble! Ill show him! Ill teach hin not to mess wit-

My thoughts got interupted by a soft voice "so I guess you found out?"

What? He didnt want to fight to the death? Odd. I would've been fine with that considering I'd win. "Yeah!" I answered aggressively, not matching his meek tone.

"Look Dally... Im sorry we didnt tell you sooner... We just didnt want this to happen..." He motioned to my tense self.

"Its no excuse! I would've loved to know if my girlfriend used to date my friend."

"Ex. Dally... Shes your ex. She broke up with you. Its over between you guys. Stop calling her your girlfriend." He said calmly.

Hearing someone say that... Expecially Soda... Who I just saw (y/n) kiss.... Maybe this really was real.

"You okay?" I heard Soda ask. I guess he noticed my facial expression change. I dont know what happened. I was ready for a fight. Now, I just felt weak... And even powerless. Maybe (y/n) really meant what she said.

Ha. I wish I could say that about what I said in the woods. I mean, everything I said... It was true... But... The emotion... Was it all an act? Did I just say it how she wanted to hear it? The more I thought about it... The more I realized that this happened often.

And she'd take me back, everytime.

Every fucking time... She'd forgive me... And I'd turn around and do it again. Fuck I'd messed up... And I didnt know if there was anything I could do to fix it... Ever.

A/n- Sorry its not long but my phone is on 3% and at least now you know im not dead. Sorry for not updating a lot.

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