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Y/N P.O.V.

I went to a medical center with Oppa and got treated. A doctor came and pulled my leg putting it back to its place. I was crying so hard. It was too painful for me to handle. Oppa kept patting my shoulder with a guilty look.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have been late." He said.


The treatment came to an end and we went home after buying some pain killers prescribed by the doctor.


"Y/N!!!!!!!!" Mom was screaming.

"Why mom?" I asked her half awake.

"What are you doing Y/N? Get ready! I told you we have somewhere important to go today!" She said impatiently.

"Ugh! Okay!" I said and got off the bed.

"Btw, wear this. You shouldn't wear those ripped clothes. We are going to see someone important, so behave yourself there." She said putting a dress and a pair of heels in front of me.

"Wear some makeup too." She said banging the door making me fully wake up.

I did my morning routine and dressed up. Dresses, heels and makeup......... I hate them as much as I hate that jerk.

Forget him now Y/N! It's over now!!!!!

After putting some makeup, I went downstairs heading to the living room.

(Your dress)

(Your makeup and hairstyle)

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(Your makeup and hairstyle)

"Wow!!!! Finally, you are looking like a girl

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"Wow!!!! Finally, you are looking like a girl." Oppa said munching a cookie.

I gave him a death glare and went to mom.

"Wow! You are so beautiful Y/N!!!"

"Btw, where are we going mom?" I asked her, changing the topic.

"Just to have lunch with one of dad's business partners." She replied.

"But why me? Why should I go there?" I asked again.

"His family is coming too." She said and went to get ready.

What was that mysterious smile on her face?

I kept thinking while searching for something to eat. I'm really hungry as I woke up late this morning, causing me to skip my breakfast. I was starving as I also skipped dinner yesterday.

I made a sandwich and was about to put it in my mouth. Then Oppa came out of nowhere and bumped into me, making my sandwich fall on the floor.

"Oops!! Sorry." He said without even looking at me, concentrating on his phone.

"YAH!!!!! MAKE ME ANOTHER SANDWICH!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him.

"Why are you eating when we are about to go out for lunch?" He asked.

When I was about to reply back, dad called and told us to get into the car.

"This f*cking attitude of men. Both of them are same. Never accept that they are wrong." I mumbled while remembering that day.

"What do you mean? Did any other guy made your sandwich fall before?" Oppa asked.

"None of your business...... idiot," I said angrily.

Late update :- I saw that some of you were kinda pissed off because of Kim Kardashian's pic. But I just wanna tell you that I didn't even know who she is at the time I wrote this story. (Whether you believe it or not.😁) I was searching for some pics and found that pic. I thought that makeup and hair style might be suitable at the moment. (I'm not American.) Please look at the makeup and the hair style, and not at her personality or other stuff. I apologize if I hurt your feelings or if I'm being unprofessional. Thank you for reading the story and supporting me.💜️

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