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That's what we saw. Jimin hugged me in happiness. Tears of Joy were falling down my cheeks.

There a baby inside me.

I don't know how to express my feelings.

"I'm going to be a dad. Yay!!!!!!!!!!" Jimin shouted running his hands through his hair.

The beautiful smile on his face made his eyes disappear. I've never seen him this happy. Even though I thought that he didn't want to start a relationship before, I could realize that he was more scared of losing a relationship than having one.

"Let's go home. We have to celebrate this. I'll tell this to my dad and Jungkook. He will tell your parents. Today is the luckiest day in my life." He said and pecked on my lips.

9 Months Later

I've been pregnant for 9 months now. Jimin didn't even let me lift a finger for the past few months. He always brought me the food that I craved, took me to the hospital once a month, and hired a maid to cook and clean the house. One day, I even saw him talking to the baby for hours and hours holding my tummy till late at night. Since last week he stopped going to work temporally as the due date is close. Jimin's dad took the responsibility of managing the company for that time. 

I was lying on the bed to go to sleep as it was late at night.

"Aren't you still sleeping?" Jimin asked wiping his wet hair with a towel.

"So you can talk alone to him?" I said touching my belly.

"How did you know? You were sleeping at that time. By the way, it's not him it's her." He said confidently sitting beside me.

When I was 5 months pregnant, the doctor asked us whether we would like to know the gender of the baby, but we refused

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When I was 5 months pregnant, the doctor asked us whether we would like to know the gender of the baby, but we refused. We got clothes in both blue and pink and were ready to accept the baby whether it's a girl or a boy.

Jimin lifted my t-shirt and touched my belly softly. I felt the baby kicking.

"See. She is responding to me. She recognized me." Jimin said in Joy.

I fell into sleep while Jimin was talking to the baby.

The Next Day

I woke up and saw Jimin who was asleep next to me still holding the baby bump. I did my morning routine and went downstairs. I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. After about an hour Jimin came downstairs in a rush.

"Why did you come alone? You should have woken me up." He started nagging.

"Don't overreact Jimin. I'm fine." I said.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

I hummed. He went to the kitchen and came back with a big plate of food. Then he sat beside me and pushed a spoon of rice inside my mouth. He also ate from the same plate. After eating another 2 plates of food together, he washed the dishes and laid on the sofa keeping his head on my lap. I softly ran my hands through his hair when he closed his eyes.

"It feels like a dream. Isn't it?" Jimin asked me opening his eyes after a few minutes.

"What?" I asked him back.

"Getting married and having a child. I never thought I would need these kinds of things in my life. But now I know its value thanks to you." He said looking into my eyes.

I felt touched by his words. He sat on the sofa facing me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Then he placed a small peck on my lips.

Suddenly I felt a huge pain in the spine. Within a few seconds, I realized water flowing down my legs.

My water bag!!!!!! It's broken!!!!!

I looked at Jimin. He understood the situation. He lifted me up and ran to the car. He started the engine and drove off. I screamed in pain.

"Please babe, hold in there. We are almost there." He said holding my hand.

"I'm scared." I started crying.

He stopped the car in front of the hospital. Within a minute I was in the labor room. Jimin was there next to me holding my hand. I saw a film of tears in his eyes. After struggling for a few minutes, I heard the baby crying. I forgot my pain after hearing that voice.

One doctor showed us the baby and said, "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Park. It's a girl."

Then he took the baby to shower her.

"You made it babe. She is pretty just like you." Jimin said and kissed my forehead.

I felt the warmth of his tears on my forehead.

After an Hour

Jimin's dad and my family were waiting in my room to see the baby. I was lying on the bed while Jimin was sitting on a chair next to me still holding onto my hand. A nurse came inside with the baby that was wrapped in a blanket and gave the baby to Jimin's hand. He looked at her affectionately for a long time and gave her to my hand carefully as the nurse told me to breastfeed her. My parents, Oppa and Jimin's dad left the room and I breastfed her. She was so cute. I was about to go nuts when she started sucking on my nipple with her little mouth. After I finished feeding her, Jimin's dad, my parents and Oppa came back in. They were so happy to see the baby. She fell asleep in my mom's arms, so she placed the baby carefully in the cradle. After staying there for about 2 hours they left.

After 2 years

Jimin and Jihye were playing with my Oppa in the garden when I went there with two cups of coffee. I gave one to Jimin and one to Oppa. Jihye turned 2 this year. I still remember how Jimin threw a fit there when we were naming her. I suggested naming her Sohye but he kept saying that we should use a part of his name too. So that's how she got the name Jihye. After playing for hours, my Oppa got ready to leave.

"No!!!!!!!! I'm coming too." Jihye cried holding onto his leg.

Jihye really loves him because Jungkook Oppa barely gets tired even after playing with her for hours. I can't even play with her for an hour. I get tired to death even after running 2 laps around the house with her. As Jimin goes to work six days a week she only gets to play with him on Sunday. After quarreling for a long time, my Oppa decided to take Jihye to my parents' house with the promise of returning back tomorrow morning. I packed a bag of clothes and gave it to Oppa. They got into the car and drove off. We waited in the garden till they left.

"So, it's only us tonight, right?" Jimin said wrapping his hands around my waist from the back.

I hummed.

"Should we get Jihye a baby brother? She went there cuz she doesn't have anyone to play here." He said with a seductive look on his face.

Without even waiting for me to answer his sudden question, he lifted me up in bridal style and went to our bedroom. He threw me on the bed and hovered over me.

"Come on. Let's have some fun when we can." Jimin whispered to my ear.

Then he lifted his face and looked at my eyes and asked, "Ready?"

I nodded. With that permission, his lips reached mine summoning for another beautiful night.


Thank you guys for voting, commenting, following me and staying with me till the end of this story. Hope you guys enjoyed the story despite the grammar mistakes. Comment down below if you have any requests for a new ff. And please tell me your opinion about this fan fiction reserving a minute of your valuable time, whether it is good or bad. I'll try my best to improve my writing.

Stay safe and stay happy. Bye!!!!!!!!!

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