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So I turned my head to a side. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even lift my face. 

"L-Let's go. It's getting late." I told him and ran to the car. 

My legs felt weak and my cheeks felt like burning. After a moment, he got into the car and started the engine.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked like nothing happened.

Does he have multiple personality disorder or something? Don't let him play with your heart Y/N!!!!!!!

"Home" I gave him a short answer.

"Already?" He asked again.

I hummed while sipping up the milkshake. I was too nervous that I couldn't speak.

"Okay. Let's go to my house. You're gonna start living there anyway." He said putting on the seat belt.

I got choked when he said "my house". I was coughing hard while tears made my vision blurry. It was hard to breathe too. Jimin kept patting on my back till I could breathe.

"Seriously, Y/N. How old are you? Drink it slowly. I not gonna snatch it away from you." He nagged like a parent.

I wanted to explain the situation to him, but I was still coughing. He started driving and I could stop coughing after a while. As soon as I was able to speak, I told him, "Not yours, I want to go to my house."

"My house will be your house soon." He said to me with a smirk on his face.

This man is really........

I sighed and looked the other way while starting to sip the milkshake again. He won't listen to me anyway. Thanks to his fast driving, we could arrive at his house within 10 minutes. He got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out of the car looking around.

(His house)

Wow!!! It looks like a mini-hotel

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Wow!!! It looks like a mini-hotel. So beautiful.

"Come, let's go inside." He said and lead the way. I followed him.

"But, why did we come here?" I asked him with curiosity.

"I don't know whether you will believe me or not, but it's my first time coming inside this house too." He said.

"Ah...... Did you bought it recently?" I asked him.

"No. I bought it a year ago." He said turning back and facing me.

"Then why did you even bought this?" I asked again.

"It's just because every human needs a house." He said.

"So were you living on streets before?" I asked such a stupid question. I could see his face got darken.

What's wrong with you Y/N!!!!!! Does your brain get locked when you open your mouth?

"What did you say? Do I look like a beggar to you?" He asked me in an angry tone.

"I-I was just joking." I said as I was really scared to see this side of him.

"Btw, do you have anything to eat?" I slipped to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was nothing.

Stupid me. How could there be anything to eat if it's his first time entering this house?

I hit my head and turned back. I got startled when I saw Jimin standing behind me like a ghost.

"Oh god!!!!!! You scared me." I said holding my chest.

"Don't be a coward. Eat this if you are hungry." He said giving me the chocolate he bought for me earlier.

"So why didn't you come here earlier?" I asked him removing the wrapper of the chocolate as his anger seemed to be gone.

"It feels empty living in a big house alone." He said letting out a deep sigh. "So I lived in the hotel, not on streets." He told staring at my face who kept devouring the chocolate like a fool.

"Why? Do you want some?" I asked him.

"Will you give me some, if I say yes?" He questioned back.

"No." I said with a playful smile and continued eating.

"I knew it." He said. Then he suddenly grabbed my hand and ate a big portion of chocolate in one bite.

"Hey! That's not fair. This is my chocolate." I said whining like a little kid.

"Why? I'm the one who paid for it." He said sticking out his tongue.

I gave him a death glare while putting the empty wrapper inside the garbage can.

"Don't you wanna see around the house? Let's go." Jimin said standing up. So I followed him. There was a master bedroom, 4 guest bed rooms, an office room, a mini-theatre, a gym and an indoor swimming pool. We went to the rooftop and looked around. The view was amazing there.

"So when will you move in?" I asked him breaking the silence.

"The day after tomorrow." He replied. 

He was about to say something when his phone started ringing. He excused and answered the call. After the call ended he came to me and said, "Let's go. I'll drop you by your house. I need to go back to the hotel."

After 30 minutes

We reached my house. There was an unknown car in the compound.

"It's my dad's car. Seems like he is here too." Said Jimin.

We got off the car and went to the living room. Everyone was talking and laughing till they see us.

"So how was your date?" Mom asked me. I just smiled without knowing how to respond.

"So, what's your answer Y/N? Will you accept this marriage? I think you had enough time to think about that." Dad asked me pointing his sharp eyes towards me. I automatically looked at Jimin.

"It's okay. Don't be shy. Just tell them." Jimin said wrapping his hand around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Eww, they are already acting like newlyweds." My Oppa said teasing us.

"Then there's no need to delay marriage. Let's hold the wedding as soon as possible. What about this Sunday?" My dad asked again. Both of us were surprised. Today is Tuesday. There are only 5 days left!!!!!!!!

"B-But i-isn't it too-" I started to speak but Jimin cut me off.

"It's okay. We're gonna get married anyway." He said. I was astonished by his words. I thought he would disagree.

"We will arrange everything. You don't need to worry about that." Dad said again. I just nodded.

So what should I say?

He never changes his decisions.

 Everything got decided even before I could say anything properly.......

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