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Then he said, "I am hungry." scratching his head.

"Then what are you doing here? Go to the kitchen and eat something." I said getting off the bed.

"I. want. kimchi fried rice." He said pausing in between the words.

OMG!! He looks like a child who wants something expensive from his mom. So cute!!!! I thought looking at his reactions.

What's wrong with you Y/N!!!! Stop being so silly.

"Okay. I'll cook." I responded to him and went to the kitchen. I took out the ingredients and placed them on the counter. When I was cooking rice, Jimin came downstairs. He must be so hungry.

"Did you finish cooking?" He asked me sitting on the counter.

"No. Wait 10 minutes." I said focusing on cooking. Then he jumped off the counter and started to walk around the kitchen. Then he took his plate.

So impatient!!!!! I thought looking at Jimin who was walking here and there hugging the plate. 

"Why are you so slow? I'm hungry." He shouted this time.

"Then why don't you make it yourself.?" I also shouted knowing that he can't cook.

Huh! I won't lose to you!!

He glared at me and sat again on the counter. After a few minutes, I finished cooking and turned off the cooker. As soon as I turned off the cooker, he came running and put a huge portion on his plate. Then he sat at the table and started to devour the food. He looked like a kid who starved for days. Suddenly, he got choked and started coughing. I gave him a cup of water and patted his back.

Poor him.

"Eat slowly Jimin. I not gonna snatch it away from you." I hit him with his own words.


But as soon as he was able to stop coughing, he started to eat again like nothing happened. I waited till he finished eating.

"Go and eat. What are you doing standing here?" He said putting the dishes in the sink.

"I'm not hungry." I said and turned back to go to my room again. But he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Are you going to faint again without eating? Come here." Jimin said and pulled me closer. Then he made me sit on a chair and pushed a spoon of fried rice inside my mouth by force. I kept refusing, but he stopped after making me eat until the last bite and let me go. I was tired just by struggling with him. Then I started to do the dishes. But Jimin was still standing beside me.

"Are you still hungry?" I asked him.

"No." He said.

"Then why are you standing here?" I asked him again.

"Why? Can't I stand here?" He replied back with a question.

"Do whatever you want." I mumbled and continued to wash dishes. Then I felt two hands wrapping around my waist and a weight on my left shoulder.

"W-What are you doing Jimin? Let me go." I said shrugging.

"You told me to do whatever I want to do." He whispered to my ear tightening his grip. I felt like thunder hit me. His warm breath was touching my ear. However, I finished washing dishes quickly and turned back. I was still trapped between his arms.

"Let me go now." I told him looking at his eyes.

"No. Why would I?" He said with a smirk on his face. Then he leaned closer to me holding the back of my head with one hand. His other hand was still resting on my waist. I tried to escape by pushing him. But I couldn't move even an inch.

"Stop playing with me. I want-" He cut me off by touching my lips with his.

He kissed me................

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