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"Ji-Jimin" I turned around as I heard her voice. Her face was pale. She was sweating and her eyes seemed to be out of focus. I quickly ran to her and caught her when she was about to fall down.

"Y/N!!! What's wrong babe? Don't scare me. Talk to me!!!! Please!!!!" I shouted. I was really scared. I grabbed her waist with my right hand and held her face with the other hand.

But she didn't speak. Her eyes were getting closed. 

"No Y/N!! Please don't close your eyes...." I was practically begging. 

Her eyes got closed. Her head bent down touching my chest. I should take her to a hospital.

I lifted her in bridal style, place her in the passenger seat and put on the seat belt. I closed the door and ran to the driving seat. I started the engine and looked at her face again before driving. Her unconscious body was lying next to me. 

She suffered every time when she was with me. I thought remembering the first day we met.

However, I was able to reach the hospital within 8 minutes as I drove really fast. I got out of the car and lifted her again and ran to a doctor.

"Excuse me, doctor, can you check her? She fainted about 10 minutes ago." I said to the doctor while panting.

"Don't worry, relax. Recline her on this bed. I'll check her." She told me, showing a bed.

I carefully put her on the bed. 

"Please go and register the patient till I check on her." I went to the reception and did everything as she directed. The doctor came to me again after about 10 minutes. 

"So Mr. Park this patient is your wife right?" She asked.

"Yes, Doctor." I replied.

"Don't get me wrong. But I think you should pay more attention to her. Your wife had been starved for more than 24 hours. She is also suffering from stress. She is getting saline, so she will be conscious soon. But about curing her stress is in your hands. Keep her happy. Okay?" She continued.

How? She will never be happy with me. Every cruel word I said to her kept repeating in my mind. You are such an idiot Jimin.

I nodded after hesitating for a bit. But what the doctor said next made my heart skip a beat.

"If you were 30 minutes late, she would have been in a critical condition due to dehydration."

 "You can go and see her now. She will wake up soon." The doctor said and left. I thanked her and went to see Y/N. She was lying on the bed receiving saline. I sat down beside her and ran my hand through her hair softly.

I promise you Y/N. I'll never hurt you again.

Y/N P.O.V.

I opened my eyes. Where am I? I looked around remembering what happened in the car park.

"Do you feel better now?" Jimin asked me touching my forehead with his warm hand.

"Yeah." I managed to answer him.

"Let's go and eat something. The doctor said you were starving for hours." He said while standing up. He helped me to stand up and tried to lift me up in bridal style.

What's wrong with him? He is acting weird. Is it because we are in public? But this is too much.

"I-It's okay. I can walk." I told him trying to hide my face. Oh my god!! I can feel my cheeks turning red.

"Okay then." He said wrapping his hand around my waist. I got discharged and Jimin paid the bill. We went to the car and headed to a nearby restaurant.

After sitting down, he handed me the menu card and said, "Order anything you want."

"I'll get a chicken spaghetti and a chocolate milkshake." I said after looking at the menu. I love chocolate milkshakes. It's my favorite drink. Jimin ordered the same thing. When we were eating, Jimin looked at me and asked, "Are you sure that's enough? Eat this too." He said buying me chicken pizza. I love chicken!!!!!!

"Huh?" I asked in disbelief. Why is he nice all of a sudden?

But I thanked him and ate it. I shouldn't waste food, should I? 🤭🤭

I ate till my stomach became full. Jimin paid the bill. He even bought me a bar of chocolate. 

Such a sweet boy!!!! 

What am I even thinking? I kicked those stupid thoughts out of my mind and got out of the restaurant with Jimin. Jimin was holding one of my hands and I was grabbing the milkshake bottle in the other hand. I couldn't drink it as I was full just from eating.

Jimin opened the door for me and I got in. He sat on the driving seat and started the engine.

"Where are we going now? Back to the hotel?" I asked Jimin as he started to drive.

"No. I told your parents that I will drop you at your house later. So don't worry." He said focusing on the road.

"When?" I asked.

"When we were in the hospital. I didn't tell them that you fainted." He responded.

"That's better." I told him.

We went to the park and got out of the car. There weren't many people there as it was a weekday.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Jimin asked me holding my hand. I nodded after a moment. 

When I was young, it was my dream to walk in a park holding my boyfriend's hand. But I never thought my fate will turn around like this. But I felt relieved that Jimin kept holding my hand. We sat on a bench after walking around for a while. There was an awkward silence.

"Y/N-ah" Jimin said breaking the silence. It was the first time he addressed me casually. I hummed and looked at him.

"I'm sorry........... for everything." He said looking at my eyes. I felt a current running through my body. I could feel my heart beating faster.

"Actually, about that night....... I mean........ I know it was my fault. That's when I got the call from my dad about the marriage. So I was kind of pissed off. I yelled at you and left you alone when you were hurt. And I even yelled at you today. I knew I was selfish then-"

"It's okay. Forget about it." I cut him off as it felt like my heart is breaking into pieces. I don't know why. I never thought he would apologize to me. 

Then he............

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