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Within 2 seconds Jimin revealed himself in front of the door.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked me panting while holding his both legs.

He must have run all the way from downstairs. I shouldn't have screamed like that.

"L-Let's go to a hospital." I told him.

What if it's what I'm thinking? Oh my god!!!!!!  No way!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Okay, give me 2 minutes to get ready." He said running to the bathroom.

He got ready and helped me to get ready too. I didn't want to give false hopes to Jimin, so I didn't tell him about what I was thinking about these symptoms. We arrived at the hospital and channeled a doctor. Fortunately, he was present by the time we went there. We waited outside for a while and went inside once a nurse called my name to get consulted. I told him the symptoms.

"So, how long were you married to each other?" The doctor asked.

"It's been a little over a month." Jimin replied.

"I think she is pregnant. We will know exactly after this test." He said and hand over a piece of paper.

"Go and give this to a nurse in the lab on the second floor. She will ask for a urine sample from you. We will email you the results if you provide us an email address. Or else you can come and get it yourself or we will send it to you by mail." He continued.

We thanked him and went to the lab. Jimin stayed outside of the lab and waited for me. when I came out of the lab, I saw Jimin walking here and there along the corridor impatiently biting his nails.

"What happened? What did she say? Is it positive?" He came towards me and asked me a chain of questions after he saw me.

"Calm down Jimin. They have to test it first." I told him.

I could see his nervousness as his finger kept trembling nonstop.

'What did they do this whole time without testing it?" His devil came out at the end of his patience.

"Don't shout Jimin. This is a hospital. They need time for it. Let's go home now. They will send us results by tomorrow morning." I told while dragging him to the car.

"Tomorrow!!! This is the 21st century. Who needs that much time to test a urine sample? Are we in the stone age or what?" He said and pouted.

"Seriously? Do you think I'm the only one to get tested? They do thousands of tests within a day. Just be patient." I told him when he started to drive.

We arrived home after having lunch outside. Both of us straightly went to our bedroom and got changed. I laid down on the bed and Jimin sat on the bed next to me.

"Do you like it?" I asked looking at Jimin.

"What?" He asked me back.

"If I'm pregnant?" I replied.

"Why not?" He said smiling.

"What if I'm not?" I asked again.

"Is it possible? We literally didn't do anything except that for the past 2 weeks, right?" He said and winked at me.  (You know what I mean right?😏)

I hid my face in embarrassment. He wrapped his hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer. He looked at my face for awhile and pecked on my lips.

"I love you." He whispered to my ear.

I hugged him and showered his lips with kisses. After cuddling for a long time, I fell asleep in his embrace.

After Few Hours

When I woke up, it was already dark outside. Jimin wasn't there beside me. I went downstairs as I was hungry. Jimin was there in the kitchen doing something.

"What are you doing Jimin?" I asked him.

He got startled by my unexpected appearance. There was flour and few pieces of burnt eggs not only on the stove but also all over his face and hands.

"What did you do? This looks like a pigsty." I freaked out after seeing the mess he created.

"Don't shout, okay? I just tried to cook." He said sweeping the flour on the floor.

"Give it to me. Now go and wash the flour on your face till I cook something." I told him.

He went upstairs to wash up and I cleaned the kitchen. Then I started to cook. Jimin came downstairs with a towel around his neck. I placed the food on the table after cooking. We ate together and watched a movie till late at night and went to sleep at about 2 a.m.

The Next Day

Today is a big day. Jimin's going to officially start his work as the Chairman of JM Group today. As it is his first day, I also went with him to the office. There was a small ceremony to welcome him. My parents and Oppa also were there too as they were invited. My mom and Oppa hugged me when they saw me.

"How are you Y/N?" Mom asked me.

"Fine mom." I told her.

We talked for hours. They left after having lunch there. Just after they left, my phone vibrated. There was a notification showing on the lock screen.

1 email from XXXXX Hospital

My hand started to tremble. No matter how hard I wanted to click on it, the nervousness inside me pulled back my courage. I went to Jimin's office room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I went inside as I heard that voice.

"Did they left?" He asked me.

"Y-Yeah." I managed to answer him.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked me after observing my behavior.

"It came." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked again.

"The email." I answered.

"Really? What did it say? Let me see." He said jumping off the seat.

"I didn't read it yet." I said giving my phone to him.

He hugged me from the back with one hand and clicked on the notification with the other hand so that both of us could see that.

It said   (########)


Should I make it positive or negative? Comment down below within next 24 hours. The preference of the majority will be revealed in the next episode.

Stay safe guys.......

Love you...........

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