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"That's my grandson; Park Jimin. Come to the stage and introduce yourself as the new chairman, Jimin."


I looked at Jimin while everyone was applauding. His mouth was wide open in surprise. He came back to his senses when his dad hugged him.

"You did it. I'm really proud of you son." Jimin's dad said with tears in his eyes.

"But dad I'm not ready for this." Jimin replied.

"You are always ready for it Jimin." His dad said again.

Jimin stood up and went to the stage and took a mic. And started his speech.

"Uhm.... first of all, I would like to thank my grandpa for believing in me and giving me this great opportunity; And my dad who supported and encouraged me when I had a hard time. Also, I would like to thank the staff for sacrificing their time and labor to achieve the goals of the company. And especially, I should thank my wife. She stayed by my side like a mother every time I struggled, even though I couldn't fulfill my responsibilities as a good husband. I'm really grateful for that. What I'm trying to say is that I came this far with the support of every one of you guys. So I hope you all will stay with me and support me in the future too and achieve more targets and become more successful. Thank you!" He said ending his short but heart-touching speech and came back to his seat amidst the applauses.

After about two hours, the party came to an end. A lot of people came and congratulate Jimin for becoming the Chairman of JM Group.

"Are you tired?" He asked me.

"A little bit." I said as I was done shaking hands and talking to people for a long time.

After a few minutes, we got into the car and left the hotel. I leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes.

"Are you sleeping?" Jimin asked me.

"No." I replied with my eyes closed.

After a while he stopped the car and I heard the sound of him getting off the car. I opened my eyes and looked around as we couldn't reach our house by this time. He opened the door on my side and told me to come out. I got out of the car. It was the beach. He put his blazer around my shoulders as the sea breeze was a bit cold. Then he held my hand and started to walk along the coast.

"Why did we come here?" I asked him as it was very unusual of him.

"No special reason. I couldn't take you anywhere after the marriage until now. That's why." He told me and let out a deep sigh.

After walking around for a few minutes, suddenly he stopped. Then he came to the front and faced me holding both of my hands.

"Y/N. Thank you for staying always by my side even though I didn't treat you nicely. I know you were hurt by my words, but I couldn't help it. I've never treated people nicely. I thought I will be mistreated if I did. I hated women since my birth. I thought every woman will do anything for money as everyone I saw was like that; even my mom left me for money. But you proved that my opinion is wrong. I'm sorry for treating you like that." He said in a trembling voice and hugged me.

"It's okay, Jimin. I was wrong too. I couldn't understand you." I said as I hugged him back too.

He must have had a stressful childhood. He must have suffered a lot. But for me; I never tried to understand him. When I got hurt by his words, I yelled back at him without being patient. I felt guilty for that.

After a while, he pulled away. Then he kneeled down with one knee and took a box out of his pocket.

"So.... Will you stay next to me for the rest of my life?" He asked me with tears in his eyes.

It was the question I expected for this whole time. I nodded. I was already sobbing in front of him. He put a diamond ring in my finger and stood up.

"I love you." He said looking into my eyes and kissed me softly in the next moment.

I kissed him back too. I felt like my life got complete in every aspect. I spent the most beautiful moment in my life on that night.

The Next Day

I woke up with a really bad headache. I felt like throwing up. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. Even Jimin got startled and followed me to the bathroom. I didn't have even a bit of energy left inside me.

"What's wrong babe? Are you okay?" He said patting my back.

"I told you to eat slowly yesterday. But you kept eating like a beggar and this happens now." He started to nag when I didn't respond.

I didn't have any energy to respond to him. He lifted me in bridal style and carefully placed me on the bed.

"Let's go and see a doctor." He said running his fingers softly through my hair.

"No. Let's wait for a bit. I'll get better with the time." I said as I didn't want to worry him.

"I'll go downstairs and make something. Don't move okay? Call me if you need anything." He said standing up.

I laid on the bed and was about to go back to sleep till something crossed my mind.

"Jimin........" I screamed.

What happened?


Hwa Yong Yeon Hwa (HYYH) means "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life".

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