Chapter 35 - Fight me!

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-for anyone who might be confused, this scene is taking place before the final rehearsal-

*3rd person POV - day before the festival - 3pm*

"Today's tea smells amazing, Yaomomo." Jiro says, lazily setting herself down on a barstool and resting her chin on the base of her palm, her fingers curled against her cheek.

"Can you tell?!" Momo says, her expression painting pure joy -perhaps even something that a fanfiction writer would put as their chapter picture- which beams off her.

When Momo is happy, she's like a pacemaker for the group. Luckily, thanks to her aspirations, quirk, friends and partner, she is rarely down.

As far as people knew.

She remembers back to the Shie Hassakai raid as she pours the tea into a delicate China teacup, her ecstatic smile dipping slightly at the edges as the macha liquid flows into it, the soft aroma enticing Jiro's eyes and mouth.

"You really are born to teach, Jiro." Momo compliments "Being able to teach Kaminari - of all people - chord progressions in one week, it's amazing!"

"Yeah, I'm almost as good as you." Jiro comments. Momo is taken slightly aback, but regains her composure quickly, biting her tongue as she hands the cup and saucer to Jiro.

"H-how so?" She stutters.

"You managed to stop everyone from failing the exams." Jiro comments freely, blowing on her tea and pulling out her phone to idly scroll.

Momo was fully aware she was overthinking - but - Jiro's teasing me, right? She can't be serious. I stopped anyone from failing? No!? They did their hard work. I was just there.

Her mind erased the events that happened, and replaced it with a new memory - one where she didn't help. Not by force of drugs, or a villain. By force of herself.

"O-oh." She says, slightly dejectedly - not answering.

"Are you not making yourself a cup?" Jiro says, looking up.

Wordlessly, but with a light smile, Momo expertly positions the teapot over her own decorated chalice. The sweet tea falls in a perfect stream, not a drop spilt, with a satisfying pouring sound.

By this time, Mina, Toru, Ochaco, and Tsu have also wandered over.

"That looks incredible, Yaomomo!" Mina verbalises as she walks.

"Yes, My mother sent me this elusive tea! Gold Tips Imperial! ." Momo says, her wide smile returning. "It's very rare, the only other place I could find that sells it is the little teashop down the road! Everyone should try some!"

"I don't understand, but thanks anyway,!" Toru says as she also sidles up to the counter.

Soon, the entire class is crowded around, except a select few - being Izuku, who's muttering to himself - and Katsuki, who's sulking in his room. Even Shoto makes the effort to wander over, cradling the steamy cup near his lips.

Momo sees all of her friends, grateful for this altruistic act. And yet she still feels like a burden.

Her thoughts are cut short by a soft hug from the back. She practically falls back into it. However, she forgets about the piping hot tea in her hands, and her heart jumps as she realises she's about to spill it - but - when she blinks, the cup and saucer are already on the countertop. She didn't even feel Y/N move from behind her.

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