Chapter 9 - Sports Festival (part 3)

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*Momo's POV*

It's sad to think about, but I do have one advantage over these powerful students like Todoroki and Bakugo. They think I'm a small fry that will be easy to beat. If I can catch them off guard, it will give me a chance to win.

Todoroki will probably use a big glacier straight away, so I'll have to use the same tactic that Y/N used earlier and burn it with something, but he could use his fire instead.

I don't have any more time to think before he raises a hand.

His left!

I create another one of the shields I used agains Mina, but clear this time. I make sure it covers my whole body as the flame encases around me.

I know Todoroki can't see me, so he will stop if he thinks he's got me. The fire continues, so I'm sure he knows I've blocked it. Suddenly I hear the roar of the flame stop, and a high pitcher ringing noise replaces it.

He's changed to his ice!

I drop the shield and dive to my left, narrowly missing it as the glacier speeds by me, making a swooshing noise past my ear and moving my hair.

The arena has been cut down the middle, a pizza slice like area starting from Todoroki separating me from the other half of my end of the area. I see him move his right arm towards me so I begin a throwing action, making the Molotov Cocktail out of my palm as it moves. I launch it at the upcoming glacier.

It burns a tunnel, similar to that of the cavalry battle, but with no roof, like a half pipe. I create my classic staff and shield, and sprint to the burning edge of the ice.

I know Todoroki won't expect such a reckless move, and frankly, I wouldn't either. I create some thick boots as I kick through the thin layer of ice, breaking it.

Meanwhile, I create two tranquilliser pistols out of my hands, and hold them in a dual wield motion. I burst through the ice, and see todoroki eyes widen. Even he thought this was unprecedented. I fire 4 shots at him but he creates a wall of ice to block them.

The wall is thin, so I take my chance, dropping a pistol in favour of making another molotov. I throw it and instead of bursting through the ice like my last stunt, I create a staff in my free hand.

I run towards the wall, but dash to the side at the last second and vault it, just after the molotov explodes against the wall of ice. I vault over the ice and Todoroki is creating ice from his right to cancel out my fire attack. His attention is drawn to me when he hears three pops in quick succession. The first misses, but the second and third hit him in the shoulder and midriff.

I land with a thud and roll over a couple times, before quickly standing up and creating another shield in my hand, and a staff in the other.

He doesn't know what he's been injected with, but he uses a sense of urgency and stops using his ice so he can turn to face me.

"Darts Yaoyorozu? Cunning, but now you've put me under pressure, I can't hold back." He monologues, removing the darts with a blank face, before raising his left and firing.

I put the shield in front of me and it takes the heat.

I grunt as I dive out of the way of the fire, and throw the staff at Todoroki, to catch him off guard. He catches it with ease and freezes it with his hand.

He raises his left to fire at me again. I see he's straining, and trying to hide it, but he's becoming weaker. The drug from my darts must be kicking in!

I create a shield over my back that hooks around my shoulders, and turn tail running. He stops his left and smirks.

Before I can react, I trip, and my leg is stuck to the ground.  I try to turn onto my stomach, but the writhing does nothing. I create a hand warmer out of my foot, and it heats immediately, beginning to melt the ice around my foot.

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