Chapter 3 - Combat Training

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I'm walking to Lunch Rush's food shop, on my lunch break, after English with Present Mic. Shoji is with me. We are about to sit alone together, when we hear a high pitched yell from behind us.

"Shoji, Y/N!" Calls Mina. "Come and sit with us!"

I shrug at Shoji and we begin to walk over.

*Momo's POV*

"Look at her blush!" Says Mina to the rest of the girls at the table. She then looks back at me.

"You definitely like him." She says excitedly.

"I -uh- think h-he's a nice person." I say unconvincingly.

"You seem flustered whenever you're around him, ribbit." Comments Tsu.

"So cute!" Adds Hagakure.

I look over to Jirō for help, but she smirks and shrugs at me.

"It's a crush!" Says Mina, slightly too loudly.

"Why do you look so excited Mina?" I hear the voice from my left, and see Y/N sitting down next to me. My cheeks turn crimson as I try to hide my face from his vision.

I look up and see that Shoji has noticed my intense blush. While Y/N is looking over towards Mina on the other side of the table. He moves one of his arms and puts a finger vertically over his mask, signalling quiet. I look at him with eyes wide, startled, and worried that it's really that obvious. Y/N doesn't notice and we all continue chatting and eating our lunches.

I realise how close he is to me and I compose my breathing, trying with my all to keep the blush away. He starts talking to me, and I stutter in all my replies. Slowly, more and more people are leaving the table.

By now, it's just me, Y/N, and Shoji. Y/N shuffles in his seat and is closer to me than before. I can't tell if he's done it on purpose. I turn red again. Shoji notices, and although he hasn't finished his food, he leaves the table, leaving us alone.


After Shoji leaves, it's just me and Yaoyorozu sitting together. I realise how close I am to her, and begin to stumble on my words more than before. I don't know what to say, and it's about to become awkward, but the bell rings signalling that we should head back to class.

I offer to take her food tray to the racks, and she stutters and blushes before thanking me.

As I'm taking over the trays, I begin to think about our conversation. I don't know how I was acting. I tried to keep my cool but I'm really not great at keeping a conversation, and I know I began to stutter at the end.

I look back to see Yaoyorozu thinking. She's probably doing the same as me. She gets up and we lock eyes quickly before she turns red and averts her gaze behind her and over to the other girls, who have been watching. She runs over to them while I go to my locker.


Back in class, we are waiting for our most anticipated lesson. We are all sitting in our seats, waiting, but loud and excited. Then, suddenly the door bursts open, and a huge figure slides through, into the centre of the front of the classroom.


"All Might!" The class beams in unison.

All Might begins to explain that he Is a teacher of hero basic training and tells us that we should get changed into our hero costumes.

*In the changing rooms*

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