Chapter 5 - USJ

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After normal lessons of school, Mr Aizawa says that he has an announcement for us. He declares that we will be doing rescue training instead of combat training, on an off campus site.

He says we do not have to wear our costumes, but we can if we wish. My costume is more suited towards combat, which we won't be doing any of, but I take it anyway In case I need the knuckledusters or any items from my utility belt.

We are waiting to get on the bus, I'm talking with Shoji about how he learnt to use his arms for surveillance with his senses, when a whistle sounds behind us and I see Iida waving his arms around again. He tells us to sit on the bus in alphabetical order, but I disregard him and sit at the back with Yaoyorozu anyway.

"What do you think it will be like?" I enquire to her.

"I can't wait!" She explains. She's bubbling more than usual and I feel entranced by her blissful monologue. "There will be so many opportunities to test out our quirks."

I hear shouting from the front of the bus and see Bakugo shouting at Kaminari over something. I see momo shake her head slightly and complain about their profanities.

"You don't like swearing?" I ask innocently.

"I don't like people calling each other bad things." She explains. I lean closer to her and whisper to her.

"If anyone calls you anything there'll be hell to pay." I reassure her. She blushes before looking at me and smiling.

"Thanks Y/N, I feel safe when I'm with you."

We pause for a moment and look into each other deeply.

"I wish we could kiss here Momo." I talk deeply and slowly. Her blush intensifies and she shudders slightly. She gets goosebumps as her eyes widen.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worried.

"Y-yes Y/N." She says. "You've just, n-never called me Momo before."

She sounds shocked and worried so I immediately apologise. I panic in my head and jump to radical conclusions that she suddenly doesn't like me.

"I-I'm so sorry Yaoyorozu!" I splutter, panicking that I had upset her. "I won't do it ag-."

I'm cut off by her as she puts a finger over my lips in a 'shhh' motion. I look down at her, confused, when she begins to explain.

"I don't mind when it's you," she tells me, while I sigh relief. "It makes me feel wanted."

"Momo, you'll always be wanted." I tell her. She smiles and pecks me on the cheek. I blush and look away to hide it only to see Shoji giving me another look of amusement at me from the front of the bus .

I smile, but not so that Momo suspects anything, and I roll my eyes. When I avert my gaze back to her, we look each other in the eyes again.

We smile at each other, but look to the front when we hear a familiar monotonous voice.

"Get off the bus, we are here. Thirteen will show you the facility". Everyone says "yes sir", and we stand up to get off of the bus.

When we get off, Thirteen greets us and tells us we are at the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' or 'USJ' for short.

She gives a speech about how we can use our quirks for helping instead of fighting. It's a motivational and inspirational speech, I look over and see Midoriya is entranced by the pro hero, as per usual.

Just after she finishes, I notice a fountain in the distance begin to fail, with water stopping coming out at points. After that, an ominous purple swirl appears.

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