Chapter 31 - To lose a quirk

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**3rd person POV**

Y/N's face was doused in a flush red. He strains his breath as he feels each needle penetrate his outer layer of skin.

There's some relief for him, knowing the full story, that the Yaoyorozu he broke up with is in fact not the Momo he knew and loved.

But then - how long had the impostor Yaoyorozu been with him? Three weeks? Had Momo endured this for this for that long?

It strains his heartstrings to think about, so he puts his attention towards the next needle as he feels his blood leave his body, courtesy of the blonde pacing around him.

There is a live video feed linked to the TV, showing a tired Momo, still with the revolver placed against the back of her head.

Y/N can stop a bullet, sure, but stopping a bullet of that calibre, from that close, is practically impossible.

"I'm going, if there is so much of a movement from him, then kill her." Overhaul says. To both me and Momo's surprise, he seems to turn to liquid. He melts like chocolate on a hot day, until he is no longer there.

"Yaaay! Well done Twice!" Toga chants.

Y/N zones her out. There is one thing in his minds eye. Momo. How to get her out. He still doesn't know where she is. Cogs turn in his head as he runs through scenarios in his head.

Normal people might think one, or maybe even two possibilities in this amount of time. But when you can go 1000x slower...

You think 1000x faster.

It's like an anxiety attack, well, it would've been. Running through the possibilities in your mind, however stupid or impossible they seem. But then again, Y/N has a chance to examine, analyse and predict every outcome.

There's one thing he can think of. A signal. That's the only way he can help.

For one second, to look at his watch, the dark haired guard's vision leaves Momo. In that instant, there was a matrioschka formed from her chest, falling through the loose v-neck of her ripped t-shirt.


A hunk of metal forms from the back of Momos scalp, and pulls her head downwards and to the back. A massive, thick ballistic helmet.

The shot rings through the room as the bullet exits the barrel of the gun at an immense speed.

It drills into the layers of titanium alloy, spotted with black adhesive to prevent shrapnel. Like tank armour. The increasing layer of protection advances against the speeding bullet in a race against time to save Momo from certain death.

Toga reaches for the nearest knife, and lunges to Y/N.

"Tsu! Now!"

The door bursts open, and a green blur flies through the air.

Froppy lands on the wall, and uses her tongue to disarm and immobilise Toga.

Of course, it doesn't take long for the villain to source another blade from somewhere in her new outfit she had put on. She begins to swipe around her, and Tsu is forced to drop her to avoid her tongue being severed. There would certainly be no shortage of blood for Toga to plunder.

Still, a drop of red slides over the blade, nicked from a scratch at Froppy's tongue.

Meanwhile, in an impressive array of quirk usage, Momo creates a gas mask over her face, while dropping more of her 'Midnight grenades' to the floor around her. The enemy quickly passes out, and Momo makes a GPS from her chest, giving exact coordinates to her location.

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