Chapter 25 - Almond Cupcakes

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**Third person POV**


Momo muttered in her sleep. She wasn't thinking of anything, but she was mildly aware of the warm clump of heat at her side. She had an armed draped over its top, and she was cuddled into the crevice of its shoulder.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Y/N asked his subconscious girlfriend.

"A-" she stuttered, her brown furrowing. "Al-M"

"All Might?" Y/N guessed.

"Hmm." She hummed, her face returning to a peaceful look. "Almond... cupcakes."



Y/N stifled laughter as this unconscious blob of innocence cradled into his chest, unaware of the various contortions on her face.

*beep beep- beep beep- beep beep- beep be-*

Momo's alarm rings out, and Y/N reaches to stop it. The young woman regains her consciousness as if nothing had happened, raising a questioning eyebrow at her boyfriend, who still has a grin plastered on his face when he turns around.

"What?" She asks as his eyes lock with hers.

"Almond cupcakes?" Y/N says. "Does that mean anything to you?"

Momo was slightly taken aback.

"I was just dreaming about baking?" She replies, confused.

"I know, you were talking all about it." He says back.


A blush formed over her cheeks and her eyes widen.

"I do that?!" She whispers, scared someone outside may hear.

"Yes, but you shouldn't worry about the others. They'll only know if you sleep with them, which I hope you won't." He jokes the last part of his sentence, and Momo gently punches him in the shoulder.

"I would never."

She turns around so that she lays on his chest, and he shuffles down so that they are vertical.

Momo runs her index finger over his biceps, moving to her whole hand as she moved onto his pecs, and greedily squeezing at his abs as she leans her face down to his.

Even Y/N, a man who rarely indulges himself in the body of his other half, guides his hands from the bed to her toned stomach, feeling over the soft skin.

Momo rests her forehead against his, and their sporadic breaths fill their ears.

"I-" Momo says, a red blush forming on her face. "I want you."

"I want you too." Y/N says back.

The two stare into each others eyes, encapsulated with the dark pupils of the other. Y/N lifts his head and gently places his lips against hers.

They lock their mouths and a light blush dusts Y/N's cheeks, matching that of Momo's.

They are soft with each other, both parties aiming not for lust or pleasure, just for love and each other. They are in each others arms and they are focused solely on their other half.

Momo brings her mouth away, savouring the rough texture of his lips as they left her own.
Y/N thought the same, he brought a hand up from her back and rested it against her cheek

He misses her lips the second they part, but he is not left without her touch. In an unprecedented and frankly sexual move, she lays down on him, her packages pressing against his chest.

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