Inside Job

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She said her first word. I felt like crying. I've never been so proud she's only a few months old and she's talking. I wonder if my mother was like this when I first talked. I walked down to the makeshift play pen and picked her up.

   "Hey sweetie." I cooed.

   "Mama." she said again. "Mama."

   "What is it Star." she grunted and pointed at Sound. I looked at him and then back to her. "That's dada." she squeaked and hugged my neck.

   "Knock Knock." she said pointing at Knockout. I heard him chuckle as I started walking up to the walkway. Dad, Sound, and Knockout walked out of the bridge. I rolled my eyes and followed them.

   "Smokescreen is in the medlab." dad said to Knocks. Really dad, no he's in the brig, we'll study him there. I followed them into the lab and Star squeaked. I looked at Sound and he smiled.

   "She can talk and yet she continues to squeak." he said chuckling.

   "I dont understand it either." I said shrugging. I heard Smokescreen groan and saw Knockout hovering over him.

   "Wakey wakey." he said.

   "What?!" Smokescreen started to struggle against the restraints.

   "If your looking for your phase shifter, finders keepers." Knockout said holding his arm to show the shifter thingy.

   "Enough praddling Knockout." dad said. "Hand me the final Iacon relic. Now!" I wanted to see how this played out. Nightstar squirmed around in my servos. She grunted pushing against my servos.

   "Mama, Knock Knock." she whined pointing to Knockout.

   "Knock Knock is busy, sweetie."

   "So Bumblebee was telling the truth." Smokescreen said. "You do have a sparkling."

   "Where is the final relic, Autobot!!!" dad boomed.

   "Yeah cant really help you. That's the only one I was packing."

   "Soundwave." Megatron said looking over to me and Sound. He smiled at Nightstar who was getting fussy. Sound made a few beeps and an image of Smokescreen appeared.

   "You got the wrong guy cheif. Optimus Primes the one that can decode the Iacon database."

   "Ahh but you misunderstand." Dad said. "The final entry has been decoded by us."

   "Well by Sound over here." I said rocking Nightstar.

   "AND according to our findings it would indeed appear that I have the right guy."

   "The question is what is it that your still packing?" Knockout asked holding a scanner over Smokescreens abdomen. I couldn't see the screen so I don't know whats there. I looked over to Sound. He was staring off into space. Knockout started laughing. "Why hidden treasure of course."

   "Knock Knock."

   "Yes little Star?" he asked. She started blubbering stuff that didn't mean anything. I chuckled and looked up at Sound. Still staring off into space. I sighed and stood up. Dad looked at me and smiled fondly. I shot him a look of confusion. He nodded at Nightstar. She was asleep on my shoulder. I smiled at her and shifted my hold on her. Smokescreen kept staring at my chest then at her then back to my chest. Sound must have noticed cause I heard a small growl coming from him. Smokescreen then looked at me to Sound then back to me.

   "Dude you got a staring problem?" I growled at him.

   "I'm just trying to process this. You were a human, and now your a transformer, and your tall dark and scary over there's daughter, and your married to Soundwave, and you have a kid."

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