Legacy, Code Name Alpha And Omega

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"You have decoded the next set of Iacon coordinates. Excellent Soundwave. Time to Beta test our decoy." dad said holding up a relic pod. I looked to Sound. His visor was pulled back. I kissed him.

"Good luck, sweetspark." I said. He nodded and gave Nightstar a kiss on the forhead.


So dads taking me out on a mission the first in like a year. I left Knockout with Nightstar. She cried wanting to go with me. She wouldn't stop crying so I took her and when I transformed strapped her tightly in the cockpit and brought a few bottles with me.

"Are you sure it's okay to bring her?" dad asked.

"She wouldn't stop screaming unless I took her with me."

"Ahh." we reached the excavation site and I carefully transformed and caught Nightstar. She was extremely happy today. When I caught her she was giggling more than the popular kids did back in Red Bay.

"Okay you little cackler hush up now." I said smiling.

"Starshot be carefull to watch her closely. Don't want her to get under the drills." I nodded and a vehicon walked up. Nightstar giggled when she saw him. He let her play with his claws, I smiled. I never knew being a mother could be so much work but it was totally worth it. I let him and some others play while I went to talk to one of the Insecticons that came with us. I kept looking over to where Star and the vehicons were and smiled to see that she was safe. She looked so pretty in the sunlight. The sun made her gold stripes shimmer. They brought her back to me and said thank you for letting them play with her. I walked over to dad and the new leader of the Insecticon's. Since Hardshell is unfortunatley dead.

"Lord Megatron."

"I certainly hope our new acusition is of Decepticon origin." he walked up a few feet then stopped.

"Dad? What is it?" I said walking up to him. Star's curiosity getting the best of her, she wriggled around in my arms to see what is so important.

"It can't be." It was a sword stuck in the rock face. "Power of this magnitude must not fall into the hands of Optimus Prime. No matter what." he walked up to it and tried to pull it out. To no avail. Star giggled as she watched him try to pull out again. I started chuckling to after a while. Dad started ordering Vehicon's around. I heard blaster fire and ran away. Yes I know its a coward's tactic but what do you expect. I have my sparkling with me. The ship was close by so I transformed and flew up.


When I got to my room Nightstar was already asleep. I layed her in her crib and got some rest myself only to be awoken by the whole ship shaking. I stumbled over to Star and seen that she was shaken awake also. She started to cry. I picked her up and rocked her.

"Shush its okay mommy's here. It's okay." Sound ran in.

"Are you two okay?" I nodded. He came over and hugged me. "I'm so glad. I heard that you came under attack and I feared the worse. Did she not want you to leave." I shook my head. "She is going to be like you stubborn."

"Hey!!! I am not stubborn

"Yes you are." I looked down at Star.

"I'm going to go give her to dad and we're going to have a little alone time." I said walking out. I felt Sound getting upset. I wanted to cry because I didn't mean it like that. I bumped into dad on the way to his chambers. "Hey daddy, can you watch her for the night?"

"Of course I can sweetspark. I was just going to lay down myself and I see that she's already asleep." I nodded and walked back to my room at a brisk pace. I could practically feel Sound crying and I wanted so bad to comfort him. I opened up our door and sure enough he was on the berth crying.

"Oh Sound." I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms around him. "I'm not mad at you babe." He looked up at me with sad eyes. I wiped them away.

"Your not?" I shook my head. "Then why did you talk to me the way you did."

"You seriously thought I was mad at you?" he nodded his head. "Oh Sound, I can never be mad at you. I love you too much."

"I love you too. But I don't want you to get hurt okay promise me you wont let anything happen to yourself or the sparkling."

"I promise Sound. Now come here." I shifted so the his head lay on my chest. His systems fell in rythm with mine and it sounded like pure music to me. "I love you so much Sound. And I won't let anything happen to you." I whispered. I feel to sleep after an hour or so.


I woke up and walked to the bridge. Dad and Dreadwing were talking. Nightstar was playing with a vehicon.

"Forgive me lord Megatron, while I do not question the wisdom of our tactical retreat, know that I am fully prepared to lead the troops in a counter attack against the Autobots." Dreadwing said.

"Counter attack? Perhaps you failed to notice Optimus Prime cleave an entire mountain with a single blow. With the Starsaber in his possession, my enemy can now obliterate us all with a wave of his hand. I must find a way to tip the balance of power back into our favor."

"Do we not also posses a powerful relic of the ancients?"

"Indeed. The Forge of Soloce Prime. But it is useless except in the hand of a prime." dad started laughing. Well this can't be good. I always hated it when he started laughing. "But I might weild that power if I were to control such a hand." Oh great here we go again. I looked over to Nightstar. She looked up at me with vermillion optics. I walked over to her and thanked the vehicon for watching her and went back to my room. Sound was still asleep. Nightstar squeaked.

"Shh, daddy's still asleep." she stopped giggling immediately. I walked over to the small storage unit and grabbed a bottle. "Here you go sweetie." She took it gingerly. Sound stirred in his sleep. I sat down and looked at the screen. I sighed. He must really be tired. Poor thing staying up working on the coordinates have finally caught up to him. Thirty minutes later he finally got up. "Well look who's up. Say hi daddy." she squeaked as he picked her up.

"I feel a lot better."

"Told you so."

"Don't start woman." he said glaring at me. I turned around and stared back on the coordinates.

"Hmm looks like you uncovered another one, Sound." I turned back to him to see Nightstar asleep again. "She really likes to sleep."

"She gets it from her mother." he turned toward the crib and layed her down. I just glared at him.

"Not funny." he smirked at me. "Lets go tell dad about this." I said pointing to the screen. We walked up the hall a bit and found dad, Knockout, and Dreadwing in a room and dad was hitting something on dark energon. My guess was that it's the forge of Soloce Prime.

"You have decoded the next set of Iacon coordinates excellent work Soundwave." and after he finished the sword he was making he was gone.

Soundwave Is My Love(Sequel to Guardian Part One)Where stories live. Discover now