Orion Pax pt1

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So were I left off was dad had brought back an Autobot. That Autobot was once my fathers dear friend. Well along with Sound. As for me and Sound. Well now we are sparkbonded. We grew quite close in the four years that I stayed with him. And now we are closer. It's been two month's since Orion came to the ship.

"Attention crew our guest is currently in isolation to help ease his transititon. And when he emerges he is to be shown every courtesy. And the first one to address him as Optimus Prime shall have his voice box torn out."

"Whoa he said that like its an everyday thing." I said to Sound. I felt the agreement through the bond. But Sound's expression said it quite clearly.

"Lord Megatron is it wise to let an Autobot current or former full run about the premises?" Arachnid asked. I hated that femme. She can go die. Sound must have felt my anger cause he walked over to me and placed his thin arms around me.

"Nothing happens on this ship without me knowledge. You will do well to remember that Arachnid. But there's no need for concern, Orion does not possess the same fight that Optimus is so renown for."

"Then what use is he to our cause?"

"Rest assured Orian Pax will earn his stripes." Did he really just say earn his stripes. I thought back to the Frosted Flakes commercial that I always would sing the Mighty Tiger song or whatever it was called. Now I was hungry. Sound looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on lets get you something to eat." he said.

"Yay food." I giggled. "I love food." Dad looked past Arachnid at me and Sound's goofiness and he laughed and shook his head.

We got to the storage thingamobob and Sound grabbed two cubes. He handed one to me. He took the other. We walked to our room and he sat down in the chair at his desk. I sat down on the desk.

"So my love what do you think Orion is really here for?"

"I don't know."

"Oh. Come on lets eat and then go back to the bridge. I need to show dad something." I held up the crystal necklace I made a few days ago. I had carved it into the Decepticon symbol.

"Since all of our symbols are purple, I decided to make mine pink. If that's even allowed." I said. Sound just stared mesmerized by the trinket. "Sound come on baby drink." He looked up at me and then to his cube then he walked over and sat down on the berth. I took a sip of mine. "What's wrong Sound?" I jumped down from the desk and padded over to him.

"It's just your so creative. The poem, the necklace, even the stories you wrote when you were human. The songs you sing. You have a talent and you gave it up just to be with me." he said sadly.

"Sound. I left it behind because no one understood me." I sat down on his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you Sound. You understand me. Now drink." I rested my cube on his lip and tipped his head back. He didn't fuss with me he took the cube in his own hands and drunk it himself. "Since you drunk mine I'm stealing your's." I said. We finished and I went back to the storage unit to get one for dad. I walked to the bridge. Sound didn't follow he stayed in his room to finish his work. I seen dad and Orion walking to the bridge also.

"DAD!!!" I slightly ran to him without spilling the energon. "Here you go dad." He took it.

"Thank you my dear." He looked to Orion.

"Oh do you want one I could go back and get you one, Orion." He shook his head.

"No thank you Starshot." he looked to dad. "But thanks for the offer." I smiled.

"Hey dad I wanted to talk to you about my branding."

"Are you ready for it?" he asked.

"Yeah. But I was wondering can I have a pink symbol?"

Soundwave Is My Love(Sequel to Guardian Part One)Where stories live. Discover now