First Words, Knock Knock Guess Who

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Dad had left for whatever reason unknown to me. But he came back very unhappy, even Nightstar stayed quiet when he came in. For whatever reason he was mad about I didnt want to find out. Funny when you think about it I'm usually the first to ask whats wrong. But this time I stayed with Sound. After a while I got bored and started to walk around the ship, only to be brought back to the bridge where Sound was typing at light speed and Star was crawling around a few vehicons. They had closed off an area that was big enough for her to play in but not to big as to where it would be in the way. I walked down and watched her play, apparently she hadn't notice me come in. When she turned around she squeaked at me and stood up trying to walk to me. She fell down before she even took a step. I chuckled softly and picked her up. Dad started laughing.

"You should have seen Optimus's face when his precious StarSaber shattered like glass. And with it his dreams of an Autobot victory. Granted Optimus will be more determined than ever to discover the remainder of the Iacon entries before we can." The console started beeping and the closed view screen showed some new coordinates. I smiled as I looked down at Star. She was chewing on my fingers. I felt something sharp and I opened her mouth a bit. There was a small denta plate forming. 'That's why she's always chewing on her fingers and toys, she's teething.' I looked up to Sound.

"Ahhh very good. I see that you have decoded the next set of coordinates."

"Way to step things up Soundwave. I do hope this one is less sacred and more profane. Like an electrodisrupter canon. We could use one of those." Knockout said. I rolled my optics and walked over to Sound. He glanced at me then at Star. He tickled her side and she giggled. Then he touched the tip of my wing. I smiled at him.

"Indeed Knockout. Dreadwing report to the bridge immediately."

"Please Lord Megatron, allow me the honor of retrieving this relic for you." Whoa did he just say what I think he said.

"I am surprised that you would risk your finish so soon after your accident." Knockout looked surprised but merely closed his eyes. "None the less I remain unconvinced that you are the best choice for the task. Since you failed to retrieve the phase shifter."

"I lacked the proper tools, but since Soundwaves currently occupied I cant imagine he'll mind if I borrowed this." He held up the relic Sound retrieved before Nightstar was born. "So that I may better secure your prize. And heek some hurt on the Autobots." Wait did he say heek? I sighed and looked at the screen then back at Knockout.

"I'm going. I'm tired of sitting around." I said placing Star in her makeshift play-pen. She whined and held her claws out to me wanting to go. "No sweetie, stay here with daddy and behave." I smiled at her then at Sound.


We got to the coordinates and I was breathtaken at the sight. Clear blue waters with a sky to match. Oh how much I miss swimming. Kinda hard to go when your a giant robot and have a 7 month old sparkling to deal with. We heard a bridge open up and Arcee and Bumblebee drove out of it. Me and Knocks hid behind a rock.

"Over there." I heard Arcee say. Me and Knockout walked out from behind the rock.

"Well well, just the Authobot's I wanted to see."

"How's Miko doing still shocked about me going evil."

"I'll handle the mad doctor, you handle the rookie." Arcee said, hands switching to blasters. I extended my blades and waited for the bug to make the first move. Unfortunetly he went for the relic.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk. I'm I not important." I said. "I'm hurt. But not as much as you'll be." I charged at him and he doged and kicked me in the back. I groaned and shook it off. I turned only to be met with his blaster in my face. "Oh you wouldn't kill a sparklings mother would you. She's only a few months old and needs me." he stalled for a minute. "Bad move bug." I lashed out at him and he fell back.

Soundwave Is My Love(Sequel to Guardian Part One)Where stories live. Discover now