THE SHIP'S ALIVE!!!!!! And Soundwave finds out the truth

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I know I didn't write about armada. But it wouldn't work so I skipped it. I'll try to write it later.

Okay this alarm was going to drive me insane. I mean really the ship crashed so what. We know that the ship is damaged.

   "Dreadwing damage report."

   "We have suffered critical damage to all systems lord Megatron." He looked at the panel. "It will be sometime before we can get the ship airborne."

   "Soundwave." Sound's screen showed a picture of the power core and some bot with a wrecking ball for a hand stood near it. Sound played it and the bot went straight at the core. He paused before the bot went completely through. "So it was an Autobot that crippled my vessel. They were quick to perceive any weakness."

   "Surely their not foolish enough to launch a direct assault my liege." Knockout said.

   "Optimus has grown more ruthless since our last encounter." Okay now dad has lost it.

   "Lord Megatron as your physician, I strongley advise against this. Dark energon's regenerative properties are impressive. But the side effects. There's no telling how it might impact the ship."

   "Dark energon courses through my vains." Yep definetly lost it. "Infusing the warship will enable me to manipulate the craft as if we are one." 100% sure crazy. "And together we shall crush Optimus Prime." I walked out to the bridge and stayed there till everyone got back. Which didnt take long. As soon as all the weird change stopped they were on the bridge.

   "Wow you guys got here fast."

   "Optimus you never disappoint."

   "I didn't realize the ship was equipped with a stasis beam." Knockout said. Dad looked as if he didn't either. I started to feel tired. I swear carrying a protoform is more work than I thought. I had to drink a lot of energon, rest a lot. I couldn't fight, couldn't fly, couldn't do anything. I walked back to my room and layed down. I thought of a name for the sparkling. If it was a girl. Seastrike. A boy, well haven't really thought about that, I'm wanting a girl. I was so lost in thought that when a loud voice boomed that I jumped.

   "Do not tamper with my systems." I sat up looking around. "This will be your only warning." The voice paused. Dad was probably saying something. "My mission assumes priority. Any Cybertronian who interferes, will be neutralized." I'm scared. "Your will means nothing. The Iacon artifact will belong to me." Dad is really pissing the ship off. "You are no longer in command." Suddenly I felt a shock through mine and Sounds bond. I gasped. Sound somethings wrong. I got up and ran to the bridge.

   "All I want is rest is that so hard." I rushed in and saw Sound powered down. "Is he okay?"

   "He's in stasis lock. I suggest you go lay down and let us handle it. For the sake of the sparkling." Knockout said. I nodded. I wasn't willing to give up my child for a ship. I calmly walked to my room and laid down. I was out as soon as I did.

I woke up feeling sick. Oh no not again. I grabbed the trash can (don't ask) and chucked up all the energon I drank this morning. Ugh. I don't like carrying. I wonder how I'll give birth to the sparkling. I really don't want to do it the human way. I fell back to sleep. I awoke to Miko's voice. I got up and walked over to the door and peaked out. Miko noticed me.

   "AHHH!! I thought all the cons were neutralized."

   "Do you think I'm going to risk my child for a ship. Hell no!!! I thought you knew me better than that Miko."

    "Do I know you?" she asked.

    "Starshot. I was Kasey. Now keep it down I don't feel good." I yelled. "Damn pregnancy." I laid back down falling asleep for the third time. This time I stayed asleep. I was awoke a fourth time by Sound.

   "Hey get enough sleep lately."

   "Oh shut up." I mentally sighed. It was time to tell him. "Sound, I gotta tell you something."


   "I'm pregnant." he stopped messing with a datafile and turned to look at me.

   "You are. Uh how long have you been pregnant?"

   "About 11 months. Knockout said I have a few more weeks before its due."

   "Does your mom know." I shook my head. "Maybe it's time to see her. Just this once. The stress of transforming can harm the sparkling."

   "Wait we're in Manhatten, why don't we just groundbridge there it's much safer." I said feeling my abdomen.

   "Duh." he facepalmed himself. I giggled. He locked onto the coordinates of my mom's backyard and fired up the bridge. When we got out to the other side mom and some teenage girl was swimming with a baby. Wait a baby that cant be right. The girl screamed and mom calmed her down.

   "Hi mom." I said kneeling down. She handed the baby to the other girl.

   "Hey Kase- uh Starshot. Sorry I can't get used to the name change. Anyway what brings you here sweetie. Oh hi Soundwave." He nodded at her.

   "Mom... I'm expecting." Her face lit up.

   "Oh sweet pea that's wonderful what are you wanting?"

   "What I always wanted, a girl." I looked past her to see John come out.

   "Oh hey there Starshot. How have you been?"

   "Oh John, I just got the best news in my life."

   "Well what is it?"

   "Starshot's going to be having a baby." he smiled and looked at me and Sound.

   "Well congrats." he said. "Oh honey have you introduced her to Stacie?"

   "Oh shoot. I forgot. Stacie come here hun." She took the girl by the shoulders. "Starshot this is your step-sister. Stacie. Stacie this is my daughter Starshot. I know what your thinking but she is my daughter. She gave up her humanity to be with the bot standing beside her. And I could not be any more proud."

    "Mom." I groaned. I sat down cross legged and Sound followed suit.

    "I don't trust her mom, especially around my child." Stacie said glaring at her.

    "Well then Stacie, why don't you tell us all that's happened since last time?"

   "Alright well Megatron, the leader, has returned and he has taken me as his daughter." So I finish the story and my mom is crying.

   "Oh I'm missing out on so much."

   "MOM!!!" Sound laughed. I punched his arm.

   "Owwie." I glared at him. "What?" So we spent the rest of the day talking about the events that led up to where we are now. Stacie practically hated me.

   "Oh I never even bothered to ask but what do you plan on naming the baby if its a girl?"

   "I thought Seastrike, but I'm still debating on it." It felt like old times just me and my mom. Sadly we had to leave. Sound powered up the bridge and we all said our goodbyes. I cried going back through. I even cried that night. Sound comforted me the whole night.

Help needed. The sparkling's name is just off the top of my head. It's not what I want to call it so help me pick a girl's name and a boy's name. Just in case I need one. :)

Soundwave Is My Love(Sequel to Guardian Part One)Where stories live. Discover now