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Sound and I were laying on our berth with Star in between us. I was so scared to let her go again fearing that she would be taken again. She stayed by us all the time. Which was kinda hard considering she could sorta walk. I stood up and went to my find my father. He and Starscream where doing the same old same old. Arguing. I dont know about what but they were. Starscream was groveling, again. I stared patiently as they fought. I rolled my optics at Starscream when I felt a small weight on my foot and I looked down. Nightstar looked up at me with bright vermilion optics. Then she looked over to dad and Dorrito. She stumbled over to dad and pressed on his leg. Dad looked down at the small transformer. He smiled at her and she smiled back. I looked back and saw Sound staring at me. I smiled and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. He looked down at my lips and traced them with a digit before kissing them. Knockout placed Star in her playpen so she wouldn't be in the way or get hurt if dad decided to attack Starscream. I looked over at Dreadwing.

"Few things of value come without a price. So tell me Starscream what is it that you wish in return?" dad said hovering over the four omega keys. I looked out to the skies. It was a beautiful golden yellow that glinted off mine, dads and Stars armor. I turned around as Starscream bowed before my father.

"Only to be a Decepticon once again."

"Dreadwing is my first Lieutenant now." dad said gesturing towards Dread. Sound wrapped his arms around my waist as I watched the exchange between the leader and former second in command.

"And I accept that much has changed during my absence." Starscream said looking at me when he said 'changed'. "I only wish to serve you. My one true master. In any way you deem fit."

"I am deeply impressed by your accomplishments Starscream. And know that I will put your offerings to good use whatever the outcome."

"Uh outcome of what?" Starscream asked.

"See to it that Knockout is extracted from the wall, Starshot." I looked at him and walked to Dreadwing and pulled him back to the door.

"Come on ya big lug." I said to him as he complained about me pulling a sensitive wire. "Shut up."


Some how we managed to pull him out. But now theres a huge hole in the wall. I sat in the medbay along with Starscream, dad and Knockout. Star was walking around the lab and trying to get a hold of things. Knockout was stretching his limbs and pretty much showing off.

"Its good to be back." he said walking over to dad who was on one of his tables. As was Starscream. "Now what will we be fishing for today my Liege?"

"Starscreams true motives." dad said looking over at Scream.

"Eh, uh." Starscream looked like he was having a panic attack as Knockout attached the cordical phycic thingy to his slab. I chuckled and heard a crash. I looked over at Star and seen she had gotten into some spare parts. She whimpered and I chuckled at the sight of her. She had a small piece of metal balancing on her head. Knockout chuckled too.

"She's a bit hard headed aint she?"

"It would seem so." I said. Star started crying and I picked her up. "Its okay baby he's not mad. Your okay." She had a small cut on the right side of her face. I kissed it and she quietened down. I looked back to Starscream and dad and seen the link was up. I seen everything Starscream said. It was the day that the spacebridge was destroyed and Dad with it or so i thought. On the screen Scream was flanked with a bunch of drones. All saying 'All hail Starscream.' I rolled my optics at him. Knockout looked at me as we watched it.

"This is going to be JUICY." he said. I nodded and laughed when I seen Starscream dancing. His smile was hilarious. Next was the day I first became a transformer. Then when Knockout and Breakdown defied his so called 'orders'. Then when we captured Wheeljack. Then back to the day I became a Transformer. Ugh dev ja vu. I'm so confused right now. Hey I can see my human self on Sounds shoulder. Ahhh good times. The screen changed to an event that I don't think i seen. There were clones of him. When did that happen? Next was an Insecticon that was under Arachnids control. And Scream was planning to over throw Dad with her. Next was before he brought back dad. And as I thought he pulled the dark energon shard out of his chest. Hoping to terminate him. Then to when he was prancing around the stasisidized Megs. I know that wasn't a word but give me a break will ya. Then there was a video of him holding a HUGE rock. Groveling as usual. Then to the cave that I was forced out of. The scene changed to all the punishments he was deemed. Then to when we were in the mines. Theres my human self again. (8D) I look so weird. Then to when he killed Cliffjumper. Then when Dread sunk him in the Antarctic. Then to when he tried to revive Skyquake. Then the Harvester. Then to when he was taken hostage by Autobots. He cried like a little girl when Arcee pointed her guns to him. I snorted. Then to when he lost the Appex armor. To an Autobot. Then when he lost his T-cog. By humans. Then waking up only to be met with Autobots and losing his flight capabilities. More clones. Who can transform go figures. Then he was on a scooter. I snorted again. Then it showed all the times hes transformed. Then to when he was wrapped in a web. From Arachnid. Then to the day he was supposed to die. Then to a few hours ago. Then to a few months ago. Then to Megatron still on the slab. Knockout and Screamer were plottng against him.

"Uh-oh. Does this thing have a fast forward button or better yet erase?" he started pressing buttons. Then the scene where we were arguing about keeping Megs alive. "When Megatron comes out of it he'll do more than stick me back in that wall he'll have Starscream's head and mine." he said holding his head. "But if I disconnect before a proper power down the link is severed and the big guy will never emerge from Starscreams head." I stood up to stop him but Dread was faster, grabbing his arm before he could disconnect it.

"Everything okay here?"

"Just checking cable integrettiy." he said swiftly. I rolled my optics and watched as Starscream's twitched. I watched the screen as the conversation between them. The scene changed to when I became a transformer. Skyquake is still loud. I looked down at Star and seen she was asleep. I stood up and watched Dreadwings expression turn malicious.

"Uh-oh Starscream's going to get it." I said giggling.

"Awkward." Knockout said.

"But does this mean?" Starscream started.

"Yes I will allow you to return to our ranks. If only because you are more valuable beside me than against me." Dad said. Starscream did a wierd thing.

"Oh thank the Allspark." he whined.

"In fighting has destroyed most of the Decepticons during your absence, we must operate as a united front if we are to revive and conquer Cybertron. That means each and everyone of us. Knockout."

"Haha." I laughed at him. Knocks shuddered and looked at me.

"Megatron sure knows how to patch things up, eh Dreadwi-?" He turned completely around. "Dreadwing?" I hadn't noticed he left till now. I looked over to dad who was waking up. I heard a yell coming from outside. Dreadwing. Starscream woke up and looked at me and Star. Mostly at Star, who had just woken up and was crying. I rocked her and walked out of the room. I went to my room and saw Sound laying down. I smiled and grabbed a bottle of energon and gave it Star.

"Sshh. Its okay." She wouldn't take it so I sat it back down. Star's crying must have woken Sound cause he took her and rocked her trying to get her to sleep.

"Is she hungry?"

"I dont know she won't eat. You try it." I said handing him the bottle. He gave to her but this time she took it. I scoffed. "Your going to be a daddies girl aren't you?" I said to her. I smiled at Sound and laid on the berth. I fell asleep before Sound and Star.

Soundwave Is My Love(Sequel to Guardian Part One)Where stories live. Discover now