Loose Cannons

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 We picked up a Decepticon locater beacon and it turned out to be Dreadwing. Now we were on the bridge and I felt dizzy.

   "Lord Megatron. I live to serve." 

   "Rise Dreadwing. Loyalty such as your is a rare commodity." 

   "So this is Dreadwing." Sound nodded. I felt my stomach hurt. Knockout really needed to find out what was wrong with me.

   "My loyalty runs deep. And true. Yet it is not loyalty alone that brought me here." 

   "Oh?" dad said.

   "I seek conformation of the one I called a brother."

   "How did you learn of his passing?"

   "My twin and I shared the same spark. Two halves of the same life force. Even across the galaxy I sensed him when he emerged from stasis on this planet. And when his spark was no more."

   "Skyquake?" I asked him.

   "What do you know of Skyquake?"

   "I watched him die even though I couldn't do anything about it. I was human then."

   "Oh you were and how am I supposed to believe that?"

   "Ask anyone on the ship. I chose to be a 'Con because of my love for Soundwave." I gestured over to him. "I really am sorry for the lost of your brother. I lost my father to a car accident. Uh when I was still human and young. I cried for day's so I honor your ability to stay strong." I heard Sound's visor click open.

   "Dreadwing if you ever want to talk about anything, Starshot is the one to go to." he looked to me. "She's really special."

   "Thank you, Starshot right." 

   "Yes." I said walking over to dad. He put his arm on my shoulder. 

   "My daughter really is something special." I looked up to him. I knew what he meant. Lately I've been really sensitive to energon spikes. "She can detect energon from a mile away."

   "Speaking of energon. I'm hungry."

   "Shot, you just ate a few hours ago." Sound said.

   "I apologize Dreadwing. I don't mean to put my problems before our guest." I looked up at dad. "Shall I show him to his room father." he nodded. 

   "I think I know why your so hungry all the time."

   "Yea I'm listening."

   "Your carrying." My eyes went wide. I finished taking him to the room he was to be staying in and bolted down to find Knockout.


   "Yes you don't have to screa... Whats wrong?"

   "Is it possible for me to be carrying?"

   "Well lets find out." he took a scanner and ran it across my abdomen. It beeped and the screen showed a protoform. "Congrats you are carrying."

   "What I cant be?" then I thought back to that night. I groaned. "Man this bites what am I going to tell dad? Hell what am I going to tell Sound." I have been cussing a lot lately. I walked to the bridge and let out a sigh of relief that Sound wasn't there. But Dreadwing was. He was talking to my dad. I'm really freaking out now. I managed to compose myself and Dreadwing was the first one to see me.

   "Starshot, what is it you look nervous." dad said.

   "Dreadwing can you give me a few moments I need to talk to my father." he nodded. I looked up at dad. "Dad I just found out that I'm pregnant." he just stared at me for a while.

   "Well that's wonderful." he said. "What will you call her/him?"

   "I don't know yet father, but I will think about it."

   "Well I'm glad to hear this but for now I must attend to Dreadwing." he motioned for him to come back. "Dreadwing, the Autobot's will be punished for their crime and many others how and when I see fit."

   "But master."

   "Conflicting agendas will only inflict chaos and failure. You will be wise to remember that Dreadwing. You are under my command now and as such you must follow my lead." Dreadwing left and Sound came in. Oh boy. He nuzzled my neck.

   "Hey Sound." he nodded in return.

   "Dreadwing where are you."

   "Merely pursuing my destiny Lord Megatron."

   "Did I not order you to stand down?"

   "Forgive me one true master but it is my hope that vanquishing Optimus Prime will earn your respect." Oh he's done it now.

   "Optimus is not so easily disposed of as I keep trying to explain to all of those who foolishly attempt it."

   "I assure you master in a few moments Optimus and two others will be blown into atoms."

   "I will allow it Dreadwing, in memory of your departed twin. But only this once." he pressed a button and the line went down. He looked at me and Sound. "I will be quite surprised if we ever set eyes on Dreadwing again."

   "Yeah no doubt." I smiled. An hour later Dreadwing comes back.

   "Optimus Prime still lives. As do you Dreadwing. That is a victory however small. As Skyquake so tragically discovered."

   "Speak to me not about my twin, Lord Megatron, for I am here on earth to obey your will. And yours alone."

   "Lets see how this plays out hmm." I said.

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