Sparks began

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Picture by anushaxcreation her link as follow:

Shubhangi  leaped out of the white van hollering her goodbyes as she ran down the narrow lane. Her hair flying around wildly as the summer wind breezes. She smiled and greeted the crew of show as she walked as fast as a rabbit towards the fitting room.
She sneaked into the room watching the tailor Mr Anand sewing Manimekalai's  costume while commenting on her sudden weight increase. Shubhangi shocked causing the Mr.Anand to nag at her for being late.

" Sorry anna, heavy traffic."
" You sound like your driving from out of chennai..."

Shubhangi pouted at Mani's remark and quickly scurried to the dressing room. She sighed in relief as the costume fitted her properly and doesn't require any additional alterations.

" Mani akka, is there any news regarding the new participants?"

"So far they told me someone like Ramya from last session might join, I am not sure."
Mani then proceed to walk out of the room after urging her to wear her make up faster.

Shubhangi sighed and quickly applied her foundation, followed by tapping some concealer under her eyes to cover her eye bags. She then proceed to apply eye liner on her lower eye lids , continued with mascara on her lashes. Just as she was applying blusher to give her cheeks, the door opened and pugalendhi peeped inside.

"Paapa.. faster the director is already calling for shoot!"

" fast !! Anna I haven't style my hair yet.. please anna 5 minutes.."

" Sighs..haii are...okay okay..faster faster..I will let them know your coming now"

Shubhangi gave him a bright smile and quickly applied her lipstick. She sent a silent prayers to the almighty and brushed her hair.
'Thank god Ama sneaked in some butterfly clips.'Grabbing a handful of them, she quickly walked out of the room nodding to the crew whom urged her to go quickly.

In the set Director Parthi was shouting to the cameraman while the TT stars and Chef Venky was reading the script.
Ms Anjali glared at her causing shubhangi to smile at her sheepishly.Murmuring her apologies , she rushed towards pugal and snatched his script causing the later to glare at her.

" Ana ..they say got a it for us also ?"

"Paapa ! See properly it's for the chefs..not us..we must give them.. I guess there will be few single female contestants..time to start my tune.."

Shubhangi slapped him arm while laughing. At times, it feels better to be a participant rather than the TT stars..yet Shubhangi wasnt a cook..hell she has never cooked unless you count season 1 .

Director Parthi strode towards the TT stars and heartily welcomed them.
" Thank you all for joining again in season 2. Mani, Pugalendhi, Bala and Shubhangi, you all were highly popular in the last season thus the upper production unit wants you all to be your best. Pugal as usual....flirt and be hilarious in the same time, Bala this time I want you to me more humorous rather than flirty so control flirting..Mani you must be more talkative and annoying and finally our singing star...Shubhangi there might be a male contestant so if you can flirt it . Is everyone clear? There will be four other new TT stars that will join in for this I want you all to perform your best since your well aware of this show!"

The four of them nodded their consent and Ms Anjali ushered them inside a cabin.Soon another four TT stars join in and the eight of them exchanged pleasantries. Once again Ms Anjali briefed them and their ushed outside again.

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