When Jack the Chef invited Titanic Rose for Dinner

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Hereby attached the part 2 aka the continuation for the last chapter. Teeheehee alrighty everybody put on your favourite Sarees and grab your forks and knives....christmas meals about to began.
3rd P.O.V

Vipul strode inside  the house with his duffel bag against his back. Once he reach the steps of the house he turned behind and raised his right side eyebrow at the man who promised dinner. The said man however was ignoring him and focused his own stare to Vipuls sister who was fidgeting beside the car. Vipul whistled making them both look at him. He smiled sarcastically and bowed with his hands forward imitating a butler service  inviting Ashwin to enter first. Ashwin frowned at strode towards him and finally went inside the house.

Shubhangi nervously walked towards Vipul.

" Are you sure what we are doing is right ?"

" Eeshwara ! Hello madam... we are not performing a wedding ritual for you against parents wishes ! We are just here for dinner ..."

" But we dont know his family... what if they think ?"

" At most they might think you conned him to date you ? "

" Vipul ! Oh god what if his mom and dad push us out ?"

" Lol enough with your nonsense...I doubt it ... "

"Their Hindu  Vipul...why would they have Christmas dinner? What if it's a match making dinner ?"

" Uh then it is a match making dinner..."

" Vipul but he brought us what if..."

" Listen ! If there is anybody else and any insinuation, I will handle it...for now your are here for dinner...calm down !"

Vipul pinched his sister's cheek and instead of Shubhangi moaning another voice was whining making the siblings look towards the main entrance.

Aarthi was leaning against the door making awed sounds with stars in her eyes. She smiled soo brightly and bounced towards Shubhangi and twirled her excitedly.

" I am so happy you came !!! Cant believe my douche of a brother can actually invite a girl for dinner here !!"

" Er.. I ..akka.."

Aarthi tutted " no no no no no , You cant call me akka , I am his akka... You must call me Anni !"

Shubhangi blushed while Vipul glared. Aarthi smirked when Shubhangi started stuttering. Ignoring the glowering Vipul, she tugged Shubhangi to the parlour loudly proclaiming that the important guests have arrived.

Shubhangi blushed and looked around for Ashwin who wasnt in sight. There were three beautiful young woman with their parents sitting in the parlour. A tall, dark and handsome with black spectacles approached them smiling confidently. Facing Vipil he did a type of bro hug and loudly asked him if he forgot about the time to show up for the party. Vipul smirked at told him that he had to pick up his sweet sister  and some certain mishaps that made them arrive late. Vipul then took charge and said his greetings to Ashwins parents. Facing Aarthi he asked the direction to the loo to change his attire. Once Vipul left with Aarthi, the man brought her to seat next to one of the girls. Shubhangi smiled and sat down.

"Aren't you that girl in the singing show ?"


" My son loves your show ! He was so crazy of you but then he got so sad when Prita said in the show that you and Sammyshal were lovers !"

" What ...no no auntie...its all just for fun...they just try to see if I got any boyfriends or if I have any feeling for him because I was close to him "

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