When ice melts ... the heart melts

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The picture edits credits to anushaxcreations. You can follow her Instagram page using the link :https://www.instagram.com/anushaxcreations/


" Okay this is end, Bye viewers!!!  I shall see you all in my next video. Mani Ka, come here... say Bye!! Mani ka..faster!!...Okayyy Bye Bye..."

" Phew Thank god , we manage to finish the live soon.. Damm Shubs...your getting much more popular in this season...I wonder why .." Mani smirked and smacked Shubhangi bum causing the latter to pout adorably.  Before she could retort, Ms. Anjali came and ushered the TT stars alias Jokers of the show to the set. Each TT star was given a picture of a vessel. Director Parthi then informed them it is the theme for this week and they will be inside the cabin until the cooks choose their preferred vessel. 

" Since Shubhangi is the youngest TT star, she will be placed as the largest vessel which is the cooker. The oldest Pugal is the knife, Shanita is the flask, Mani your the grinder, Bala your the mortar and pestle , Salim since your the slimmest person here...You shall be the wok. Everyone clear ? "

When director Parthi hears the chorus of yes, he nod his head and left instructing them to wait in the cabin.  Ms.Patty, the assistant came inside and informed them the shoot is delayed for a few minutes due to the participants, so they can go and have a cuppa if they want. Shubhangi waved Mani and Pugal away  declining their offer and took a seat on the couch.  She took her phone out of the additional pocket sewn in the dress ...orders from her mother to the tailor.  

She smiled to herself remembering the past. After the cab incident, Shubhangi got an earful from her hysterical mother. Her parents came back right after their live performance and she was literally grounded from leaving the house till the next shoot. To make things even worst , her father refused to listen to her reasoning and agreed with her mother.  Her days were spent divided between online classes and her cat Venila. Yes...before you all ask.. she is forbidden from entering the kitchen after she caused the pressure cooker to burst. 

That night after the first episode of chefs & jesters aired, her parents gave her some curious looks before looking at each other while having dinner. The silence was unbearing causing her to snap up.

"What's wrong...you both aren't this quite before..."

" That boy...how old is her ?"

"Which boy.."

Her mother snorted and tapped her chin rephrasing the question again. Her father simply observed both mother and daughter.

" That...boy...the cook.."

" His not a boy Amma ... He is a man !.."

"Exactly.. he is a young man...not a boy...yet I wonder why didn't you call him Anna...like how you call everyone.."

"I..  I don't know him...so why must I call him Anna?" Shubhangi grinned sheepishly causing her father to snort while her mother glared.

"The same reason why you call the others Anna...He is probably same age as Rashaan.. you called him Anna right...so..?"

" It's just a show mother.. nothing else plus he don't feel like a brother... I mean..." Shubhangi blushed and looked down the table.

Krishi Kumar stood up and gave a look to his wife before leaving the mother and daughters together.

" I know its just a show.. I also know that you reached popularity in the first season without this unnecessary reactions...Just be careful ... He seem like a good person...yet we don't know him personally so we cannot judge... Your reputation is the most important.. You wanted to join the show and we allowed it as it was just a cookery show and it can still telecast your singing talent but no controversies! "

Of Chefs and  Jester ( Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now