When Ashwin Missed Chellama

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Ashwin ended up not going to the vacation house Mrs Krishi Kumar invited. Due to his sudden rise in fame from the reality show, Ashwin was called by many production houses for their own program. Ashwin also received many advertise shoot and a music video cover shoot. So during the two weeks of break from the cooking show, Ashwin was booked to shoot the music video, ads and a special interview by the YouTube fame Asha.

Naren too declined to follow them as he was caught up with his business management. So on the day of the suppose vacation, Ashwin and his brother in law dropped his mom, sister and niece in front of Shubhangi doorstep. After some exchange of pleasantries with r and Mrs Krishi Kumar, Ashwin looked around searching for his girl. Vipul smiled cheekily and cocked his head towards the house and pulled a poor bewildered Pugal into a headlock who just wanted to say hi to Ashwin. Ashwin quickly walked up the stairs and down the hallway . There was only one door slightly adjured making him smile and walked confidentially .

"Ashwinee !" Shubhangi jumped and barrelled to his chest hugging his torso tightly. Ashwin smiled and pat her head making the girl pout and poke his chest. 

" Why are you not coming..."

" I have shoots...you know how it is..."

"Yea...but why did you book this week !"

Ashwin sighed " I am not a celebrity like you...to push and pull my dates, I am already considered lucky to have been selected for those shoots."

Shubhangi pouts " Don't say that ! Your a celebrity too!!"

"Yes my little imp...all because of you and your cuteness...! "

" Ashwineeee why it almost look like your admiring me ! " Shubhangi grinned and waged her fingers towards his nose and flicked his nose making him chuckle. She then  whined and plopped on her bed staring at him with her innocent  eyes. 

" I don't know what to pack..."

"Huh...ma its just a week ...you pack those clothes you need...Is there a washing machine in the house ?"

" Off course, we have it down next to the kitchen !"

"Not here...that vacation house ...if yes then you bring 3 sets of pyjamas, your morning house clothes, then those clothes for sight seeing in the morning and then a dress for maybe a dinner if you guys go out and some maybe a saree or a Punjabi suit  incase you visit the temples ? "

Shubhangi stared at him making him frown . " Have...have you ever packed your clothes for vacation ?"

Shubhangi pouts and shakes her head in denial. " Noo ...I am bad at choosing clothes so Amma packs but then she was so busy and she forgot and well I forgot to tell her and now ...hehehe..." Shubhangi laughed while Ashwin shook his head in disbelief. 

" You are the most incompetent person I have seen...How could you forgot ? You were on call with me everyday and you talked about all those places you wanted to visit ..."

"Heeheeheeheehee...its because of that I forgot...Ashwineee!! Now now come help me pack ..."

Ashwin sighed and took her luggage back and throw it on her bed while she sat on the foot of the bed swigging her legs grinning like a fool. Ashwin glared at her when she giggled at pointed him to her cupboard. Ashwin opened the closet and saw her clothes mixed up with some hanging ...some jumped up as thought she simply just pushed them all in and close it.

"Your hopeless!" Shubhangi whined .

Ashwin tutted while picking up her clothes. He bend over and took the SpongeBob pyjamas, mickey mouse dress pyjama and a Indian pyjama. He throwed them to her and asked her to fold them before placing inside the bag. He then turned to his left and took out a simple Punjabi suit, a few kurthi's with leggings. He paired the colours he likes to be combined and then place them with the hanger on the bed. 

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