New Story Note

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Hiyaa everyone, just a little note....

sooo yours truly here has decided to finally upload the long term story in le mind... Its actually a fanfiction based on Mahabharat with my little oc , Panchaali's sister...

Here is the little sneak peak of the story ....I hope all the fans of chefs and jester will also enjoy that :)

I have add the story's link in here :) 


** Warning , its a mahabharat fanfiction with draupadi having a sister. Its not intended to hurt anyone, any religion or whatsoever. I don't know any characters in the Mahabharat and I respect the epic. Its just my take on the epic :)

Yagyaseni ...Panchaali ...Draupathi ...She was the shiniest emerald in our kingdom. She was the fiercest woman through the dwar yug... Krishna's only true sakhi. She was born amidst fire and she rule our kingdom with the heat in her eyes and ash from her mouth. She was my sister.Aaratrika lost everything the day her sister Draupadi emerged from the fire yet destiny brings her to Hastinapur's gates and its crown prince(s) minds and heart. With the kaurav's open belittle of her brother in laws the pandav's and her own obsession with her eldest brother in law Dharamraj Yudhisthir and his cousin Duryodhan , life in Hastinapur is no longer the story we have been listening, reading and watching. A woman who was never supposed to be born in the dwara yug, the woman fate and destiny made at a moment of  insanity due to their own wager. The woman...Mahabharat's unkown mistress...
《Excerpt 》
" You will be the dawn of kaliyug Aaratrika ! " Krishna's omnious warning echoed in her mind.
"Kali yug...Dwara Yug... what ever the yug may happen... I will not lose my ambition !"

" And what kind of ambition is something that will destroy all good in this world ! You mind is of  adarma Aartrika !"

" No hell hath fury like a women scorned  Shri Vasudev Krishna..."

" No woman dare defy me like you Urmila...mark my this path you will not achieve any happiness ...any dharma...not even heaven or hell will accept you ..."

Aaratrika smiled bitterly. " Ever since your dear sakhi  emerged for the depth of the Agni, I have known no happiness, It doesn't matter anymore..."

" This anger and jealousy inside you is poisonous ... It will ruin you ! Do you hate your sister that much , you would ruin everything your father and sister worked for ? Draupadi's destiny is with the Pandavs..."

" I love my sister may think I am a disgrace a  cheating woman but  I do love my I love him ..."

"Yudhishthira will not marry you ! " Krishna sighed  " It is not your destiny to marry him, listen to me...Draupadi's destiny is intertwined with all five Pandavs ..."

Aaratrika turned her back towards him, her eyes gazing at the sun setting down with a magnificent orange glow and Lords Surya brings his chariot to his own abode. " We forge our own destiny Kanna..."

Shri Krishna merely played his flute as he walked away .



Also if anyone is kind enough to make me a new cover for this story please let me know ! :) <3 

p.s : A new chapter of chefs and jester will be released tonight 

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