Crisis averted...23am pulukeshi valga

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**WE HAVE REACHED 3K READS  PEOPLE...THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ALLS...and without further odo...

" Amaa!!" Pugal hollered as he pass through the house. Mrs Krishi Kumar peeked from the kitchen. Seeing pugal she smiled widely and asked him to come to the kitchen. Vipul ushered Ashein inside and smirked before leaving the man standing in the middle of the hall.

Mr Krishi kumar cleared his throat and Ashwin gulped before smiling sheepishly.  When the older man gestured Ashwin to sit down , he gulped , swallowed his saliva and his inner gave him a big pat on his shoulder to calm himself.

In the kitchen , Mrs Krishi Kumar was inquiring on Pugals health and scolded him for not visiting often enough.Pugal made some silly gestures and cracked some stupid jokes and once the older woman was laughing , he cautiously opened his mouth sorting the appropriate words in his head.

" Ama...please dont get angry but nothing happened today..."

" He took her to a room alone !"

" Ma...they were already fighting in the show...Paapa brought back the hip topic from last week and he was at his wits end...then the silly girl went to cut her hand while complaining about him on the he even pushed me away you know..."

" What ! Shubhangi did not tell me all that..."

" You know her ma...but honestly he was very stressed out ...he asked for my room key because Rashaan shares with him and paapa shares with know the gossips will spread like a fire if those two found out...already in today's episode other cooks and the judges got a bigger hint.."

" Its not right pugal...if anyone sees them coming out of the room...what then !"

" It was lunch time ...and yes I agree ma that's why I was standing at the hallway...nobody was there and he didnt lock the room... the door was slightly ajar ...he is different ... "

" Oh Pugal...still...She is very naive and this crush seems too much...its like she is already deep..."

Pugal nod his head sharing the same opinion . " I know ma...but what if you heard his side of the story...paapa can be too extreme and ends up giving us jumbled information especially when she is nervous and excited..."

" Hah pugal you want me to call him ?"

Pugal smirked and shook his head. He jutted his chin out and Mrs Krishi Kumar peeked the hallway to see Ashwin sitting next to her husband and Shubhangi hovering near the stairs. Shaking her head , she hollered Shubhangis name making the girl startled and trip down the stairs.

That instant everybody saw something unexpected. Ashwin leaped and hovered over her. He gently hold her and made her get up. Shaking his head he guided her to the dining table and made her sit down.

" Seriously ma ! How incompetent can you be...dont you know you have to watch your steps...what if you hurt and bleed...wait are your it badly bruised ?"

Shubhangi giggled causing Ashwin to glare at her .

" Its not funny! You are already hurt and now you want to be badly bruised !  Damm it girl you love making me fret over you !"

Pugal exchanged look with Mrs Krishi kumar. The older woman smiled and walked to the dining room with a glass of water. Ashwin looked like a deer infront of the car making the woman take pity on him.

" Sit down and drink the water...this girl lives to make people fuss over her."

Ashwin smiled and pushed the glass of water to Shubhangi. She shook her head in denial. Ashwin frowned and took the glass and hand over to her sternly asking her to drink. Shubhangi poured but took a sip of the water. Ashwin then smiled and he himself drank half of the water unaware that Mr Krishi kumar was watching everything in the pretense of reading the news paper.

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