A sense of normality

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Hi ya everyone, I apologise for only one chapter for today. To be honest my brain didn't give me enough ideas to start this chapters. I sincerely apologise if the chapters too short  :) 


Ashwin grinned and switched off his phone. Placing it in his pocket, he whistles a merry tune as he walked over to Pugal's room.  Ashwin knocked and peeked through  slightly adjured door. Trichy Thirumugam was a special guest for today's episode and he was there cracking The occupant's inside the room roared with laughter and Ashwin saw Pugal trying to beat up the veteran comedian for his abnormal joke. 

" Hey Ashwin...what bring's you here ..." Bala and Trichy Thirumugam exclaimed.  Ashwin smirked and pushed himself inside " Oh nothing...just to see what my macha is doing..."

Pugal cackled " Mappila ... relationships all outside the set ok...inside means no matter how much you bribe me...my heart goes to Preeta Rani only..."

Saravadi Sharath who came inside gasped in surprise seeing Ashwin and Pugal in a friendly banter type headlock. " Partner! What is going on hear..." 

Pugal came and pushed him away " Hey...what partner...partner...respect my mappilai ok..." Pugal then turned back and address Ashwin " But look here mappilai...I can only help you because my paapa will be angry if I don't so... don't choose me okay... so many people out there are cryifying for me and Preeta...if we win this only no...we can go to Mr and Mrs TT season3 !"

Ashwin guffawed and smacked Pugal's back while the others watching with a keen eyes on the curve ball of Pugal and Ashwin's relationship. Ashwin use to be very stand off and Sharath has seen him glaring at Pugal ...a very miniscule movement before he made his face into a perfect mask and smiled but Sharath had noted it . 'What changed?'

Ms Anjali then knocked the door and told the TT stars to get inside the secret chamber and Ashwin was requested to go near the entrance. Ashwin bro hugged Pugal and left leaving Sharth and Bala to hog him .

" Why is he suddenly so chummy with you ?"

" What do you mean...its normal only no..."

Bala shook his hand " NO...before this he was usually cold with you...even you address him mappilai also he...but now is different ?"

" Oh that... Last week Paapa got injured no...before this he thought I was just acting for the show that she is my sister ... then he see me running of to help her all ... he asked me and then we talked.."

"He was barely talking to you in set last week ..."

" We go to the same gym da! Vipul made me join with him and surprisingly Ashwin's mama enrolled them both there too...so that's how I met him..."

Bala and Sharath stared and tried to pry more from him but Pugal feigned dumb and those two gave up.

Ashwin tried to control his smug when he saw the task to show the TT star. Rashaan told everyone to place their palm in the blue ink and paste it next to the handprint on the canvas. Lucky for Ashwin, he spent the better part of yesterday carrasing the little imp's hand after surprising her with a cafe coffee date. When it was Ashwin's turn he pretended to choose and think before sneakily pasting his palm print next to Shubhangi. Shubhangi bounced and skipped to the front clapping her hands widely. Chef Venky looked at her seriously asking how come he got her again. Shubhangi grinned and said their wavelength is the same making Ashwin blush and laugh. 

During the task, Ashwin tried to control his voice from showing authority to her like how he command her outside the set.Shubhangi too did her very best to act natural like how she was just with an unattainable crush similar to the past episodes...however the editor still manage to find some extra sweet contents of them both and keep it to be  aired in the next episode. Once the shoot was over, director Parthi gathered them all up and informed that due to the channel launching a new program, there will be no shooting for the next two weeks. There was a mixed reaction from the crews and cast , however Ashwin and Shubhangi both kept glancing at each other ...the former is happiness and the later in aphresanion . After the announcement, Ashwin texted Shubhangi, telling her that he is leaving to the gym and will talk to her soon. Shubhangi replied back with some cutesy emoticon making the older man shaking his head fondly as he read them.

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