Birthday Surprise

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Derek's POV

It's been a year and Stiles is really having a hard time bouncing back. He can walk but he has to use a cane. I can see the frustration on his face every time he has to walk somewhere. He keeps going to physical therapy and they keep saying he is doing great.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk!" Stiles yells.

I run to the bathroom connected to our bedroom and find him on the bathroom floor, his head in his hands and I can see the tears dripping down his wrists. I bend down to comfort him and he pushes me away.

"Der, I am fine. Just leave me alone." He says.

It pains me but I leave him there. I sit on the edge of the bed, listening, and hoping he might change his mind and let me help.

A few minutes later he slowly walks out.

"I am sorry." He whispers cheeks red from exertion.

He sits next to me on the bed and I wrap my arms around him.

"I know you are having a hard time," I say squeezing him tightly.

He smiles at me.

Stiles birthday was coming up and I think we both need a vacation so I am going to surprise him with a beach trip. Two weeks just me and him.

He pushes himself so hard that when he fails, he is super disappointed in himself. I need him to know that he is good enough, that he will get through this, and that I am so proud of him. I need him to see himself as he sees me.

My whole life I've felt like a disappointment, a waste, and I felt useless. I am an alpha and only in the past few years have I really felt like one, since I've been with Stiles. He makes me a better beast and I can only hope that one day I can help him be his best self. Don't get me wrong I am not where I want to be but I am so much better than where I've been. I still have days where I watch Stiles and it makes me sad and it makes me beat myself up. I should've done things differently and it hurts me to know that Stiles is hurting. I know that I cannot change the past so I am striving to make the future better, to be the man Stiles needs.

Stiles POV

I am sitting on the couch; Derek is next to me he is reading a book. Life has been pretty uneventful recently not that I don't enjoy all these moments I just want to be back to normal. I am so frustrated and I hate the way Derek looks at me with sad eyes whenever I am having a rough time. I know he blames himself even if I keep telling him it's not his fault, but he is my stubborn wolf. I just don't want this to be a rift between us that we can never recover from. I smile looking at Derek's focused face. He is amazing and beautiful. He catches me staring and swiftly places a kiss on my cheek.

"You ok, babes? He asks me.

I smile and say "As long as you are here, I am always ok."

He smiles and goes back to reading.

Uneventful, does not mean unhappy.

Derek's POV

It's finally Stiles's birthday and lucky for me he has physical therapy to go to.

"Why is the pack here so early?" He asks as he pulls on a shirt.

"They wanted to wish you a happy birthday as soon as they could today," I say.

He smiles as I wrap my arms around him, I kiss his forehead and then he snuggles into me.

"I love you so much, Stiles. I hope you know that." I say as I squeeze him tighter.

"Aww...Der I love you too." Stiles says as he smushes closer to me.

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