Right where we need to be

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My collar was itchy and my nerves were shot. I was excited and anxious.

"Derek, take a breath. Stiles loves you and he is waiting to spend his life with you." Peter said as he fixed my tie.

It was our wedding day and I was having stupid thoughts cross my mind. I don't deserve Stiles, he deserves so much better than me.

Peter sensed my inner turmoil.

"Derek Hale if you do not go out there and marry that man I will rip your throat out with my teeth!" He yelled.

"Trust me I am marrying that man. I am just a bit nervous." I say.

Peter grabs my face and kisses me on the forehead.

"Go get him, kid." He says shoving me out the door.

Peter was the closes thing I ever had to a dad and I was thankful for him.

I make my way to the double doors, Stiles is already standing at the altar, I could see him through the two windows in the doors, he chose a white tux with a vibrant red tie. I look down at my black tux noting how well it fit, Stiles had picked it out of course and well we cheated and saw each other before the wedding. I can tell you I was excited to see that tux on the floor later.

Stiles had definitely bulked up in the past few years, his hair was cut short and he just looked beautiful. I am not going to lie seeing him after he graduated from Quantico did things to me. I don't think I will ever not be attracted to this man. I could see a huge smile on his face, I know that he has worked hard to get to where he is and we both are super excited to start our married lives together.

I take a breath, Peter links our arms and I push the doors open. I can see our friends and family all smiling at me. I look up to Stiles and I can see his eyes were wet and staring at me. He silently says wow as he takes in the sight of me. Noah is by his side laughing at the two of us.

Peter starts dragging me to the alter. I grin and walk with him.

I never in a million years thought I would be here. I have a family again. It doesn't fill the hole, but it does make it smaller.

I make it to the altar and put my hands in Stiles's hands. We lock eyes and share a grin.

The ceremony goes swimmingly. Stiles and I decided we were going to have an after-party to spend time with our family and then leave the next day for our honeymoon. We were going to France to visit Laura, Max, and Amanda. Peter had made us a list of places to visit. We were both excited about it.

We wanted to be comfortable so we decided to take the party back to the house. Everyone was drinking and dancing it was pretty funny to watch.

Scott walks up to me.

"Hey, Derek. How are you doing?" He asks.

"I am doing fantastic!" I say smacking him on the shoulder. I might have been a bit intoxicated.

He smiles at me "That's great! Soooo..." He says fidgeting. "Issy and I have a surprise for you and Derek can you come outside? He asks.

I nod as I go to steal Stiles away from Erica.

"Babes, Issy, and Scott have a surprise for us," I say nuzzling him.

"Oh, hell yeah I love surprises!" He yells laughing.

We follow Scott out to the porch and there it is sitting.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!! It's SO ADORABLE!!!!" Stiles screams.

I nod in agreement and sit cross-legged on the porch.

Issy and Scott had gotten us a corgi puppy and we were both instantly in love.

Isaac sits down next to me smiling

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Isaac sits down next to me smiling.

"Do you like your present?" He asks.

"I don't think that is even a question," I say as I watch Stiles roll around on the porch with the puppy.

"Well, I figured it would be a nice addition to the family and encase you get lonely when Stiles is away," Isaac said smiling.

I grabbed him into a hug.

"I love our family. I am so glad I have you guys." I say.

The whole pack is on the porch now, everyone wanting to meet and play with the new puppy.

We named him Mr. Biscuits.

Life was good. We are all happy and healthy. It took us a lot to get here.

I wrap my arms around Stiles.

"I love you, babes," I say.

"I love you too." He says.  

                                       Honeymoon bound!! hahaha!

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                                       Honeymoon bound!! hahaha!

A/N: Well there it is. The end? lol. I might add to this later but for now, this is where I am ending it. Questions? Concerns? Comments? Let me know. I hope you all enjoyed it and thanks for reading. xoxoxo (=

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