Chapter 2: The Big Move

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decicated to naynay24 because she reminded me that there are people who actually read my stories so it pushed me to try and update. :) but it still took awhile because my computer has been jacked up :( so heres the update tell me what you think. i would love feedback on how i can improve and what you think should happen next :) love you all! <33


(July 24. 9:30 am)

I stared at the completed application as I sat at my desk not knowing if this was a good idea after all. It seemed like the best possible idea a couple of nights ago. But with the morning light came doubt; there was no possibility I could even get accepted, yet there was still a shred of hope that I would get the chance to follow my dreams to Hollywood.

I looked around my room thinking about all the possibilities this move has opened up for me in such a short time. I believe that I have finally accepted the fact that I would probably be leaving Rock Springs for forever. I had already started putting things in boxes almost an hour ago and I was nowhere near done but I couldn't help stopping and remembering all the memories. All the sugar induced birthday parties, family oriented barbeques and long summer nights under the stars; I will probably never have these experiences again instead I will gain new experiences maybe even have fun in the process hopefully.

"Shawna have you finished packing yet?" Mom yelled up the stairs

"No mom I haven't but I'm getting there." I responded in a monotone

"Well hurry up we're packing up and leaving this time tomorrow." Mom replied

"WHAT?!?!? Why are we leaving so soon???" I holler downstairs

"Yes honey, you have already been withdrawn from school and the boys have already said goodbye to their friends. Plus your father starts Monday and its already Friday so we need time to get settled before your father starts working and before you go to school." Mom retorted

"But mom I haven't even sent in my application yet... how do you know if I will even get accepted??" I asked with self-doubt.

"Of course you're going to get in sweetheart you are the most talented, young lady I know." My mom explained.

"Mom you don't have to say that just because you're obligated to say stuff like that." I huffed.

"Silly Shawna, I'm not just saying that because I'm your mother. I said that because it's the truth. You don't need to doubt yourself sweetheart." My mom had walked upstairs and into my room without me noticing until she put a comforting arm around my shoulders. I looked up into her eyes and saw the sincerity in her words and for once I believed I could do anything. I could get into this school and follow my dreams onto the big screen or stage.

"Okay mom well lets mail this application in and see how this goes." I smiled up at her.

"I already have an envelope ready" she handed me an envelope and I folded up the application, set it into the envelope. "I shall take this to the post office to be sent off immediately." She grinned down at me while taking the envelope enclosed with my future and walked down the stairs.

"I guess I should finish packing" I spoke to myself.

*3 hours pass*

I had finally finished packing up my room and was sitting on the floor looking at the emptiness that was my past and currently my present but it would never be my future. All that was left in my room was my navy blue sleeping bag with my sky blue neon green tie dye pillow. All my belongings were in boxes with everyone else's boxes inside the moving truck ready to leave in the morning.

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