Day 2

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6:30 a.m *If you could feel my heartbeat now it would feel just like a sledgehammer...*
I awake to my alarm playing Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony. I slowly roll over to hit snooze just so i could get five more minutes of peace and quite. Sadly, my brothers had another idea.
"SHAWNA WAKE UP!! Your not going to have enough time to get ready if you don't wake up now!!!" They yelled in unison. Why did my brothers have to be right all the time.
Grudgingly i swing my feet onto the floor and made my way to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I don't really feel like wearing a T-shirt and jeans which was very unusual; maybe i'm coming down with something. I feel like actually trying today so I pick out a navy blue mid-thigh length dress with a thin brown belt and my dark brown and blue cowgirl boots.
I walk into my bathroom turned on my curling iron so it could start to warm up while i fix my make-up. I decided to go with a natural look with some light brown eyeshadow, mascara and eye liner. Grabbing my curling iron I start with wrapping a bit of hair and rolling inwards as tight as I can. Slowly letting the hair go I see a very cute looking wave. I keep repeating this process until I have natural looking waves. Finally happy with the way I look i head for the stairs to eat breakfast.
Mom is in the kitchen cooking french toast with bacon and sausage. "Morning momma" I greet her. She slowly turns around smiling "Hi honey. How are you feeling today?". "Today will be better momma. I think it was just a surprise seeing him there. It caught me off guard especially when he acted like he didn't just leave me without saying goodbye." I explain to her. "I understand honey. Just know everything will be okay. You are a strong person and you can handle anything. Now eat your breakfast and take the day straight on." Mom sets a plate down in front of me smiling.
Nathan comes down the stairs as soon as I finish my breakfast. "Hey Shawna." I smiled "Morning little brother". Nathan sits down next to me just as mom sets him down a plate. "I'm going upstairs to get my bag. I'll be right back." I run up the stairs and into my room just as someone knocks at the front door. I quickly grab my black leather backpack with all my school stuff and run back down the stairs.
"Thank you for everything you did yesterday for her Peyton." I could hear my mom say. All I could think was "Shit. How am I suppose to face Peyton after yesterday?" I slowly walk into the kitchen to see Peyton wearing a black button down with the sleeves rolled up and dark washed jeans. What surprised me was his response to what my mom said. "Of course Mrs. Taylor. Anything she needs I will be there for her." Peyton states without missing a beat. Mom sees me and just smiles which makes Peyton turn around. "Morning Shawna. How are you feeling?" He smiles. "I'm better. Thanks for asking. Ready to go?" I ask trying to change the subject. "Bye Mrs. Taylor." "Bye mom." We both yell as we walk towards the front door and Peyton's motorcycle. Just like yesterday I hop on the back of his motorcycle and hold onto Peyton as we zoom towards the school.
As we arrive to the school I see the twins and Tanya waiting in the front. We park the bike and walk towards them. "Shawna, Peyton hey" the twins say in unison. "Hi guys" says Tanya. "What's up?" I ask. "Well we have been on watch for you know who. Which watch out cause he is on the look out for you too." States Alexis. "How do you know that?" I asked confused. "He kind of walked up to me asking about you." Ally answers shyly. "Oh. Well let's get to class." I reply. The twins loop their arms through mine and we all walk towards the school doors.
*************lunch time***********
I am so glad it's time for lunch and I still haven't seen him. Ally and I are in the lunch line and I keep watching the door waiting for him to walk through. I grab a small chef salad with ranch and a water. Ally was paying for her grilled ham and cheese panini. That was the moment he decided to make his grand entrance. He walked in with two other guys they were laughing but he was scanning the room. I grabbed Ally's arm and dragged her to the table where everyone else was already sitting. I laid my head low so he wouldn't see me. "What the hell Shawna? Why did you drag me over here?" Ally questioned upset. "Just look at the door Ally. He is here." I set my head down not wanting to deal with this at all. Alexis whispered into my ear "Shawna how are you suppose to show him what he is missing out on if he can't see you?" Oh right that is what i am suppose to be doing. I sit up straight and smile. "Thank you for reminding me Alexis." "So how has everyone else's day been going?" Tanya then spoke up "well Mr. Brooks that crazy old man was showing us how to improve and he picked on this random guy sleeping in the back. The guy woke up screaming don't kill me mr. Banana. Funniest thing i have ever witnessed." We all started laughing just picturing it. My nerves were easily settled at least they would be until my next class.

*************Booboo's POV***************************
Yesterday took me by such a surprise. Seeing Shawna again brought back all those feelings from that day. The day I have regretted ever since. She never responded to my text message so I assumed she hated me and never wanted to see me again but she is here. We have a class together too and that should help me get her back into my arms and into her heart. I also need to figure out who the hell that guy was yesterday. She was riding on the back of his motorcycle. I ran into one of the girls she was with this morning but she wouldn't tell me anything. Hopefully I can spot her during lunch.
"Booboo hey you alright man?" Questioned Nick. Nick was my best friend; we have known each other since were little. He has dark brown hair and tan skin from all the surfing he does.
"Yeah man. I'm fine. Just looking for someone." I answered. Carter started looking around "Is it anyone we know?". I hesitated; they know all about Shawna but they don't know that she is here. I guess now is the best time ever to tell them. "Well do you guys remember that girl from Wyoming?" They both looked at me slightly confused. "Well she is here. At this school. Somewhere in this cafeteria. I HAVE TO FIND HER!!"
"Hey now. Dude calm down we will find her." Nick exclaimed while putting a hand on my shoulder that was when I spotted her. She was sitting across the cafeteria with three other girls and a guy. They were laughing and she looked like she was enjoying herself. Carter followed my eyes and he caught on. "Man go get her!" He pushed me towards her with a smirk on his face. I slowly started walking to her and the closer i saw the girl from this morning nudged Shawna and pointed to me. Shawna slowly turned around and our eyes locked. She looked just as nervous as I felt; my stomach had butterflies. I had finally reached her table, she looked amazing!!
"Yes. Can I help you with anything?" Shawna asked. I hadn't realized i was just standing there gazing at her. "Oh umm Shawna can we...." I never got to finish my sentence cause the bell rang and she stood up with her friends and left. I just stood there..hurt. Nick walked up and patted me on the back. "Next time man. Let's get to class." I walked to class and just sat down. I didn't hear anything the teacher said. The drive home was a blur. I walked inside straight to my room and laid in my bed. I'm not sure how much time passed exactly but my mom walked in looking worried. "Honey are you okay? I have been calling for you for an hour. Dinner is ready." "I'm not hungry momma. I'm just going to go to bed." I responded. "Are you sure? What's wrong sweetheart?" She walked over and sat on the side of my bed. "She won't say a word to me. I don't know what to do. I need her to know that I regret that day so much." I started to tear up. My mom pulled me into her arms and started rubbing my back. "Honey you need to give her some time. She is probably just as surprised to see you as you are her. Don't give up and don't think negatively. Things will work themselves out. I love you. Get some rest tomorrow will bring you a better day." "Thanks momma." She kissed my forehead and left the room but not before she turned out my light. I turned off my phone and cuddled into my bed.

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